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Bad Cats (Williams 1989) TCM Pro B2s

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5 From 1 review
48.69 MB File Size
PIPAllah Created by
PIPAllah, Jim Kramer, Hauntfreaks, Herweh, ClarkKent Artwork by
Williams Manufacturer
1989 Year

1 Screenshot

About This File

Peace Y'all,


Taking a short break from the Pup Packs for a moment.  I decided to optimize my Bad Cats Pinball experience.  This table got me through some tough times during my college days.  I had to travel from South Campus to Main Campus just to play this thing.  It was worth it.


This is a niche B2s for those people who're using the TCM Rom and @ebor's Serum, on a three screen setup.  This is @hauntfreaks b2s.  Nothing is changed on the backglass (I love what he and dem did with it).  If you're in need to thank someone for this project, start with him.  I was inspired by @jwkramer61 project and also by the various projects of @Walterwhite.  If you're not using the TCM Rom and ebor's Serum 64 color DMD, you probably don't even need to bother with this.  Hauntfreaks and Jim Kramer already have great b2s out there.  This was designed around the awesome table by VPW, so I can't vouch for it working with anything else (not sure why you'd want to play any other version).


I like my FullDMD to match the backglass, I like me DMD at the bottom of the screen and I like to have my stuff full of pretty lights and ish everywhere.


I hope you enjoy it.


I'll update my B2s, blah blah blah....... y'all know the routine.



Edited by PIPAllah

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