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Pirates of the Caribbean PuP-Pack

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4.5 From 4 reviews
2 GB File Size
kcirrick Created by

3 Screenshots

About This File

I have reconfigured some of the Screen options to make them more stable.  Example: If you use a two screen version, place your DMD between the Aztec coins and it vanishes or the animations don't work correctly I've added a zip file here with some of the options modified.  If you're not having any issues then you don't need to replace  your PuP-Pack Options folders with this Pup-Pack_Options.zip file   If you are having minor issues then this files includes all twelve options and may be your solution.  Simply unzip and copy the option folder(s) of your choice into potc_600as and let it write over existing files.  You don't have to download the entire pup-pack again.  (You have the pup-pack zip file, but are encouraged to backup up existing files before writing over them.)  Please be sure to share any issues so they can be addressed as quickly as possible.


I have not resolved the problem of some community members having an issue with animations on the Aztec coins not being transparent as so far I've been unable to duplicate it.  I believe this issue sometimes happens on the two screen options.  I will keep on it though even if it means completely redesigning those animations.






Edited by kcirrick
Share option files to resolve some screen issues.

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


Pirates of the Caribbean pup-pack by kcirrick
All New!

Not having access to the original pup-pack  I decided to create and share my own with the community.

There's a lot going on here.  You'll either love it or you'll hate it.


Thanks to the following members for their help and encouragement.  
PIPAllah     Cliffy     LTek
The knowledge, experience and input provided by them was instrumental in completing my first pup-pack.
Thanks also to echodun who clued me in to an issue that was quickly resolved resulting in the two screen options being available.
Although not directly providing input for the project, I also thank Nailbuster and TerryRed.  The work they've done, their documentation and videos (even the ancient ones) helped tremendously and answered a lot of questions (and created some new ones to figure out).

There are twelve configuration option bat files to choose from.  Four for a three screen cabinet, four for a single screen desktop and four for a two screen setup.  They include either of two different animated backgrounds on the backglass and the option to use verbal callouts included with the pup-pack or the tables own callouts.  All options include video and animated triggers.  Savvy?


version 1.0.1

Corrected a number of screen issues.

Activated a few more triggers

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Great pup-pack.  Once you and I were able to get the 2-screen with real dmd working, I forget all about the old one pup-pack.   Keep up the good work.  I look forward to your next project.  We need more pup-pack content creators like you.

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So I had some time this morning to get intimate with your pup pack. 😉  After I switched the backglass from show to forceback and I fixed that one pixel on the topper callouts, it was all good times.


Full disclosure:  I helped with the early testing on this pup so anyone can call me biased if you want to.


I'm still using v1.0 since I didn't have much problem getting it to work.  I must commend you on your artwork (which is next level).  In the future I hope to be able to do some of the stuff you did.


I used the top bat file which is for 3 screens and all the eye candy.  You've completely solved the stability issue.  Everything seems to be working fine.  I didn't go looking through your files to see if everything was triggering (I won't know that until I do the video showcase for your pup pack).  What I can tell you is everything appears to be working....... DMD Topper, callouts, backglass videos.  I could hear a whole bunch of stuff going on while playing.  When I as able to look at the pup I could see callouts and different screens on the DMD Topper and backglass.


Comparing this to the other pup pack, one could not go wrong with either pup if one gets them working.  Your pup has a modern look and feel to it (which isn't saying anything against Trochjochel's work, as his is several years old).  His is not available, so right now for people new to this hobby, it's either this pup pack or no pup pack at all.  I just played both pup packs back to back and yours is the one that will be in my rotation.


I congratulate you on your pup pack maiden voyage.  The artwork in your pup, in a few ways surpasses any of mine.  I know you put a great deal of work into this and it shows.  I'm grateful that you wanted to share this with the community.

Response from the author:

Thanks for the kind words and for all the help.  I'm pulling my hair out addressing a few bugs like the black background on the coins people are seeing, but I'm tenaciously head down diving in determined to resolve it.


I've grown attached to my pixel.🙂

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The new puppack is  ok if you do not have access to the old one. I  played booth versions and what could I say the old puppack is much better. 

Response from the author:

I suppose others will feel that way as well.  My only reference is watching videos of the old one on YouTube since I don't have access to it.  I was impressed enough that I wanted it, but since I couldn't get it I made one.  My goal was not just to make a new pup-pack that I could enjoy and share, but to improve on what I was seeing.   I felt I had accomplished that.  Is mine too busy?  Are videos triggered too frequently? Some videos too long?  I felt the simple old game, sans pup-pack, didn't have much happening so I attempted to keep the action going including some unique creativity.  Videos get triggered often so I tried to reduce video repetition as much as possible.  Most video triggers have multiple videos that randomly play with the multi-ball videos being an exception.  The sword fight is triggered a lot so there are thirteen different videos that could pop up.  No offense, but it's a little disheartening to get the impression that it's not up to snuff without knowing why after averaging ten hours a day for eight months working on it.  I felt it wasn't too bad what with knowing nothing about how to create a pup-pack when I started.  My intent is not just to upload and abandon the project, but to improve the pup-pack based on constructive criticism and to address issues that get reported.  I appreciate your input, but more detail would help improve future versions of the pup-pack and would probably influence how I might create any future pup-pack.  Thanks for posting.

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