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    19 June 2024 10:30 PM      20 June 2024 12:30 AM

    This event begins 10/02/23 and repeats every week on Monday and Wednesday forever

    Welcome to The Bob & Fae Show, Bob here and we have news for you - your Vpinhub crew is rocking it.
    This Monday, Oct. 2nd, starts our BYF International FX3 Tournament. There is a NEW Prize Structure.

    1st-3rd = entrance into a $50* raffle**
    4th-6th = entrance into a $25 raffle
    7th-9th = entrance into a $10 raffle
    10th-last place entrance into two $5 raffles drawn on stream (1 on Yesai, the other on The Bob & Fae Show)

    Times for US via Bob & Fae Stream (for France see Yesai's stream)

    Mon 6pm-8pm EST
    Wed 6pm-8pm EST

    (see TOX_Yesai's Twitch for more, times are M/W at 3-5pm EDT)

    Tables are all listed on the Bob & Fae Show website.
    Okay. Prizes are given out before the start of the next set of tables. Weighted Raffles drawn LIVE.

    Rules -- see our discord or website

    *gift cards can be requested for US and French Residents. Non-US/Non-France residence must have a paypal if they are not wanting a Steam Gift-Card. Note: friend Bob or Fae early to get your steam gift-card/winnings quickly, as it takes 3 business days after being friended to give our a steam gift-card.
    **raffles are weighted by how well you do in the tournaments. 1st place =11 pt, 2nd place = 10, down to 10th =2pts, all others 11th, 12th, 13th = 1pt. These points = the number of ticket you will receive in any given raffle.

    Good luck & may the Swartz be with you,
    From all of us at the BYF International Tournament


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