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  • Part Two. Planning and Building the Cabinet

    3 records in this category

    1. 5. Road Map

      Road Map Building a virtual pin cab is a big project. You shouldn't go into it thinking it's the light work of a couple of weekends. But it's also not an impossibly huge job, even though it can seem that way at times - especially during the research phase when you're trying to get your arms around all of the details. Good organizers always say that the way to tackle a big job is to break it down into smaller pieces until the pieces are manageable. So let's look at the main sub-tasks th
    2. 6. Serviceable Design

      6. Serviceable Design Real pinball machines have numerous design elements that are there purely for the sake of serviceability - that is, to make the machines easier to repair, upgrade, and maintain. These features are often the products of a series of refinements that wouldn't have been obvious without experience, and a lot them are hidden, internal features that you wouldn't even realize are there when you're just playing the games. It's not surprising that serviceability is such a hi
    3. 7. Selecting a Playfield TV

      7. Selecting a Playfield TV For most cab builders, the playfield TV is the most important piece of hardware in the system. A pin cab is, after all, fundamentally a video game. The weight of this importance makes it tough to decide on the perfect TV, but it's even more complicated because of the physical constraints of a pin cab, and the special performance demands of video gaming. I'd love to simplify this by offering a list of Amazon "buy it now" links for the best TVs for the job. Unf
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