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Defender (Williams 1982) b2s with options

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5 From 8 reviews
57.88 MB File Size
HauntFreaks Created by
HauntFreaks Artwork by
Williams Manufacturer
1982 Year

5 Screenshots

About This File

Defender (Williams 1982) b2s

v2.0 is a complete rebuild
NEW remastered, resampled, 3k image retaining the halftone printing pattern

NEW accurate light mask, bulb and bloom placement
NEW cab art for the dmd
factory grill for two screen setups

you have a choice  of 3 versions:

Defender (Williams 1982).zip <--- cab art on dmd

Defender (Williams 1982) grill dmd.zip <--- grill on full dmd

Defender (Williams 1982) 4.1 dmd.zip <--- 4:1 grill for dmd


need help?  download Full DMD Read Me.txt
I don't ask or beg for donations... if you feel overwhelmingly compelled to do so, PLEASE donate to the charity of your own choice... this is a hobby NOT a business

What's New in Version v2.0   See changelog


v2.0 is a complete rebuild
NEW remastered, resampled, 3k image retaining the halftone printing pattern

NEW accurate light mask, bulb and bloom placement
NEW cab art for the dmd
factory grill for two screen setups

you have a choice  of 3 versions:

Defender (Williams 1982).zip <--- cab art on dmd

Defender (Williams 1982) grill dmd.zip <--- grill on full dmd

Defender (Williams 1982) 4.1 dmd.zip <--- 4:1 grill for dmd

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I love it.  Thanks so much for the 4:1 version!

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Thanks for the Defender DMD Logo...I filled in the black bars at the top and bottom with the photoshop AI and it looks sweet and the b2s image is really clean.

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