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Jamos Bond Inc. Created by

1 Screenshot

About This File

v1.1 Changed to a red color pallet to make reds stand out more and blend with greys and whites better.

v1.0 This is a greyscale comic style conversion of TWD DMD 
Lightened the shading a lot for this version, should be very visible on your virtual DMD

This is for Virtual DMD's Only.

Put the TWD_156h folder into your Altcolor folder in your vpinMAME dir.
Run the BSPatch (or gui) to patch the original rom that you have with the diff file to produce your colorized rom.

To create the needed ROM file you can use bspatch (http://www.daemonology.net/bsdiff/)
example command line:
bspatch twd_156h.bin twd_156hc.bin twd_156h.diff
copy the twd_156hc.bin into rom folder and rename it twd_156h.bin
Put the new renamed rom in a zip folder named twd_156h.zip

Clear out you nvram file in your nvram directory 
run your game.

What's New in Version 1.1   See changelog


Changed to a red color pallet to make reds stand out more and blend with greys and whites better.

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