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Star Wars Trilogy PUP PACK overlay - Women of Star Wars - Nude Mod HD

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1.05 MB File Size
swtril43 ROM Name
Cheese3075 Created by
Unknown Artwork by
Sega Manufacturer
1997 Year

2 Screenshots

Hello all-

Here's my Pup Pack overlay designed for the Star Wars Trilogy table, specifically PIPAllah Pup Pack.  It would probably work for any Star Wars table as well.   Many thanks to PIPAllah for providing the original image.  All images were pulled from the internet.  Enjoy!


To install: download file and move to PupPack folder (PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\swtril43\PupAlphas).  Load up PinUpPackEditor.exe, select triggers tab, find "Overlay" (it will be pointing to PupAlphas folder and file AlphaFinal.png), highlight and click the  [. . .]  to select a new file, point to new downloaded file, test and then save.  


Side note: Everyone can run PupPacks even 1 screen desktop users.  You will need PuPInit.bat and PuPDesktopPunch, you can get these from Blood Machines, Darkest Dungeon or Guardians of the Galaxy.  These are the best tables to start with to get your Pups working since the table has all the code already set.  However you try a table that wasn't specificly designed for a PupPack you will have to add code to the VPX table script (h ttps://ww w.nailbuster.co m/wikipin up/doku.php?id=pup _capture).  Make sure you update the line (cPuPPack = "pup-pack_name") with you PubPack folder name.  Sometimes they require a bit of work to configue the screens or triggers properly.  

Edited by cheese3075
updating description


What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changes to files, fixing screenshots.

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