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Killer Instinct (Original 2024) Flyer.png

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5 From 1 review
1.84 MB File Size

2 Screenshots

About This File

My fan made flyer for KILLER INSTINCT, the nostalgic table by @ZandysArcade


Cabinet artwork uses artwork in the original release for VR . Flyer format is based on current Stern flyers with inspiration from the original arcade game's promotional material. With such a nice playfield, there is potential for a back page in the future. I've also included a clear logo as a separate download for any who want it.


Consider giving this listing a like if it makes it into your frontend media or cab. Enjoy! 

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Awesome, Thank you!

Response from the author:

You are welcome! Your great source material made it nice and easy.


Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like!

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