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Stargate (Gottlieb 1995) b2s + full dmd

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5 From 5 reviews
30.26 MB File Size
HauntFreaks Created by
HauntFreaks Artwork by
Gottlieb Manufacturer
1995 Year

5 Screenshots

About This File

Stargate (Gottlieb 1995) b2s + full dmd
I've been working on this off and on for a while now...
the images are from many sources, lots of blending and stitching

the ring light was created from scratch, with details that will never be noticed, like the diodes and bulbs (see detail pic)

  • clean blended, remastered, resampled, high-res, high-detail 3k image
  • tons of accurate lighting effects, flashers, etc.
  • grill for two screen setups
  • cab art on the full dmd

need help?  download Full DMD Read Me.txt
NEW I'm now including DT-res-files.zip file (this is collection of .res files for DT mode players to use my b2s files on there single screens) these were created by @Cliffy
I don't ask or beg for donations... if you feel overwhelmingly compelled to do so, PLEASE donate to the charity of your own choice... this is a hobby NOT a business 

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Very Cool!  Been looking for a realistic looking BG for this table since the table was released. I think I may have banged out the first one for it back in the day, but I could never get it to look right.  This one is great!  Thanks again O' Picasso of the back glasses! :) 

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This was a fun one helping Haunt find the best possible resolution resource for the mirrored back panel with rope lights. Amazingly has was able to make the rope lighting look incredibly real and able to capture that mirror effect on the back as well. Most excellent work on this one Haunt. Now if only the table itself played as good as it looks! :)


Response from the author:

sorry i fucked you on the credits... my brain is mush.... 

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