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Back to the Future (Data East 1990) B2S for real DMD or slim LCD DMD

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43.35 MB File Size
Hauntfreaks Created by
Paul Faris Artwork by
Data East Manufacturer
1990 Year

1 Screenshot

About This File


I know that most people are using a fullDMD but as we are a few real DMD or slim LCD DMD users, here is a mod of Hauntfreaks' B2S.
It is designed especially for real DMD / slim DMD users, I just added the Jackpot value and the current year with light animations on the backglass so you can see it at any time.
As I had only a few place, it's a bit small and subtile but I hope it's still readable.
All credits of the original B2S are for @hauntfreaks, thanks again for your amazing job !

Here is the link to the original FullDMD b2S : 


Dear real DMD users please note that you also have this excellent alternative B2s with the same informations displayed on it :

If you're interested with other b2S mods designed for real DMD users please let me know, I've done a few of these.
Cheers from Reunion Island.

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