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Road Kings (Williams 1986) b2s

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5 From 2 reviews
36.36 MB File Size
HauntFreaks Created by
HauntFreaks Artwork by
Williams Manufacturer
1986 Year

3 Screenshots

About This File

Road Kings (Williams 1986) authentic
this is for all my "I want the original" people

For the past three years, I've made it a mission to go beyond simply uploading usable resources (B2S files). My goal is to share only files that represent a clear improvement on what's already available.

This focus on quality comes from understanding the limitations builders often face when finding resources. In this particular case, it seems like either the original image wasn't that great to begin with, or there just aren't any high-quality alternatives out there.

So, for this instance, I'm calling it a 'good enough' situation – better than what we had before, but acknowledging there might be room for improvement.


  • good enough, remasted, resampled, color corrected 3k image
  • accurate light mask, bulb, bloom, flashers, blinkers, feature lamp and fonts placement
  • cab art on the dmd

need help?  download Full DMD Read Me.txt
NEW I'm now including DT-res-files.zip file (this is collection of .res files for DT mode players to use my b2s files on there single screens) these were created by @Cliffy
I don't ask or beg for donations... if you feel overwhelmingly compelled to do so, PLEASE donate to the charity of your own choice... this is a hobby NOT a business 

Edited by hauntfreaks
updated description

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Well, as you know I'm one of your "I want the original" people, and I love this!  The image is sharp and very colorful. As always a great job, thanks for another great BG!

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Thank you! Seems like a great candidate for an alt image...I remember looking at this and thinking I would just go for a full-scale Mad Max mod, since that's what they were going for anyway....

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