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Metallica (Stern 2013) alt2 b2s with full dmd

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21.67 MB File Size
HauntFreaks Created by
HauntFreaks, Dirty Donny Artwork by
Stern Manufacturer
2013 Year

3 Screenshots

About This File

Metallica (Stern 2013) alt2 b2s with full dmd

this was built using the art of Dirty Donny (Donny Gillies)
remastered, resampled, and color separated, 3k image
single fluorescent tube lighting
custom full dmd using more of Donny's art

need help?  download Full DMD Read Me.txt
NEW I'm now including DT-res-files.zip file (this is collection of .res files for DT mode players to use my b2s files on there single screens) these were created by @Cliffy
I don't ask or beg for donations... if you feel overwhelmingly compelled to do so, PLEASE donate to the charity of your own choice... this is a hobby NOT a business

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Amazing! Incredible work and really adds to the games we download.  Thank you for always giving us these spectacular options.

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Is the image available as a stand alone file?


I wonder if I can somehow randomize the B2S when loading the table.. so many great versions to choose from


thanks @hauntfreaks for sharing this!

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1 hour ago, KiwiBri said:



Is the image available as a stand alone file?


I wonder if I can somehow randomize the B2S when loading the table.. so many great versions to choose from


thanks @hauntfreaks for sharing this!

as of right now, I dont think so... BUT maybe @jarr3can work his magic in the b2s server

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On 3/13/2024 at 3:49 AM, hauntfreaks said:

as of right now, I dont think so... BUT maybe @jarr3can work his magic in the b2s server

I would do something in the popper start script... randomize which B2S is put into the folder?

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@echo off
REM Extract path + name without extension
set b2sfullname=%~dpn1

REM random number between 1 and 5
set /a num=%random% %%5 + 1 

REM IF you start D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table.vpx
REM This will try to find D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table-X.directb2s where X is between 1-5.
REM If it finds it, it copies the file D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table-X.directb2s over D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table.directb2s

if exist "%b2sfullname%-%num%.directb2s" copy /Y "%b2sfullname%-%num%.directb2s" "%b2sfullname%.directb2s" >NIL


UPDATE script corrected and made separate, only one line needed in Popper Launch script.

UPDATE #5 If you have space in the paths, the launch scripts needs quotes

if you save the script to a file for example "c:\Vpinball\B2SServer\B2SRandom.cmd"

@KiwiBri here is an example how to do it in the Popper Launch script. 

in the popper launch script you then add this:


CALL "c:\Vpinball\B2SServer\B2SRandom.cmd" "[GAMEFULLNAME]"

somewhere before the VPinball.exe call

If you now start for example  D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table.vpx  the script will try to find


D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table-X.directb2s where X is between 1-5.


If it finds it, it copies the file D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table-X.directb2s over D:\vPinball\VisualPinball\Tables\table.directb2s

Edited by jarr3
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4 hours ago, KiwiBri said:

Thanks @jarr3 for the script!  I'll take a look at it.



I missed one thing... update the line to this:


for /F "delims=" %%i in ("%gamefullname%") do set b2sfullname=%%~dpni


(the 4 last characters changed in my mail above)

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7 hours ago, hauntfreaks said:

@jarr3 is a coding machine!!

@hauntfreaks & @KiwiBri thanks for the kind words... but it seems I could not get this running within Popper... yet I have no clue why popper does not let me add simple bat file commands...

I think this has nothing to do with B2S.Server adding yet another feature making it even more complicated than it already is...

Instead I would rather add things this into popper or VPinballX.Starter ? 

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1 hour ago, jarr3 said:

@hauntfreaks & @KiwiBri thanks for the kind words... but it seems I could not get this running within Popper... yet I have no clue why popper does not let me add simple bat file commands...

I think this has nothing to do with B2S.Server adding yet another feature making it even more complicated than it already is...

Instead I would rather add things this into popper or VPinballX.Starter ? 


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7 hours ago, hauntfreaks said:

@KiwiBri & @hauntfreaks   It is a little embarrassing, I still had added a couple of errors to the script.

To my defense... it was far too early in the morning...


UPDATE It works well now, too early in the morning for old BAT file techniques...

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4 hours ago, jarr3 said:

@KiwiBri & @hauntfreaks   It is a little embarrassing, I still had added a couple of errors to the script.

To my defense... it was far too early in the morning...


UPDATE It works well now, too early in the morning for old BAT file techniques...


As I wrote above, it works now. Thanks to @KiwiBri and @hauntfreaks for the idea!


@hauntfreaks do you happen to have any cool grill for this one, for us 2 screeners?

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9 hours ago, hauntfreaks said:



Amazing as always. I must admit I missed that one, that you already had one for the little group with only 2 screens ;)


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If you did not get the B2SRandom script working above, I assume your "problem" is that you have spaces in the path.


I have now updated the original post..., the call to the .cmd file then have to be like this:


CALL "C:\vPinball\B2SBackglassServer\B2STools\B2SRandom.cmd" "[GAMEFULLNAME]"


And if you name the script in the B2SBackglassServer folder exactly as this (B2SRandom.cmd), you will get any updates with upcoming B2S releases...


If your table name is "Metallica (Stern 2013).vpx" you have to name your alt B2S files "Metallica (Stern 2013)-1.directb2s" "Metallica (Stern 2013)-2.directb2s", "Metallica (Stern 2013)-3.directb2s" and so on.


Currently max 5 is hardcoded, but should be dynamic in the next release...

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9 hours ago, hauntfreaks said:

I was a two a screen guy for 7yrs... only have had three screens for the past 3yrs
link to my full dmd backbox build:

Man you got all the best toys (tools) Haunt. Niiice. You're a craftsman in every field you venture into. Bowing in your general direction sir

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On 3/16/2024 at 7:37 AM, jarr3 said:

Currently max 5 is hardcoded, but should be dynamic in the next release...

@KiwiBri There is a new pre-release out for 2.1.1 including these things:


- Add B2STools/B2SRandom.cmd to randomize many Backglasses when activated in Pinup Popper or similar
- Backglasses using overlapping partly transparent pictures get it's events merged. This is now deactivated by default.
  Can be activated in the direct2BS file (there is NO GUI):   <MergeBulbs Value="1" />
- Add support for PWM modified tables, the light turn on values > 64, if it is a PWM activated table:
  There is a new setting for VPinMame.SolMask(2) to set the output mode:
    0 = default
    1 = modulated (PWM) solenoid (exist for some years already)
    2 = new PWM mode (all solenoids but also lamps, and value if physic meaning, not smoothed out binary state)
  For this new mode, we now hardcode a value 64, if the lamp intensity exceed this value, it is binary 1
- b2s_screenresidentifier: Add Comments hidded behind the taskbar #77
- "Fantasy" setting in B2STableSettings.xml is ignored #93

Edited by jarr3
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