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Middle Earth (Atari 1978) b2s with full dmd

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5 From 5 reviews
34.41 MB File Size
HauntFreaks Created by
HauntFreaks Artwork by
Atari Manufacturer
1978 Year

4 Screenshots

About This File

Middle Earth (Atari 1978) b2s with full dmd
ultra clean, high-res, super high-detail, 3k image

exact 5 incandescent house bulb lighting (very weird see screen shot)

recreated apron assets and look for full dmd

need help?  download Full DMD Read Me.txt
I don't ask or beg for donations... if you feel overwhelmingly compelled to do so, PLEASE donate to the charity of your own choice... this is a hobby NOT a business

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Thanks Hauntfreaks for a cool looking and authentic BG!  I had never seen the table it is for until this BG, and it is quite cool too. Very unique, and quite hard on my OCD with its wacky off center flippers.  Together they are good fun and I hope there there is a polished up table release on the horizon to go with this great looking BG.  On a side note, I bet this table is hard on back glass art work with the size of those bulbs.  I thought paint checked bad with the tiny bulbs.  

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Apart from the incredible work with the image, this lighting, faithful to the real machine, is fantastic!!! Thanks Haunt!

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Dang that's a cool B2S...now I have to go look at the table...hopefully just as cool.

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