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Bad Cats (Williams 1989) - DMD 64 colors - Serum Format

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5 From 17 reviews
302.4 kB File Size
bcats_tcm ROM Name
Ebor Created by
Ebor Artwork by
Williams Manufacturer
1989 Year

5 Screenshots

About This File


I propose this colorization of the excellent Bad Cats table 😚

Colorization works with the bcats_tcm rom, which you can find here .


Extraordinary work by IdealJoker, who has made a mod of the rom and added many new features, to be discovered from here

You'll discover all the options and features added to the original rom. For the purists out there, the settings for identical operation to the original rom are shown. A little reading 🙂


Important steps :


  1. The bcats_tcm.cRZ file must be placed in the vPinMame\altcolor\bcats_tcm directory.
  2. In the table script, replace the value of the variable cGameName (bcats_l5) with bcats_tcm.
  3. You must be up to date with vPinMame for the rom to be recognized. Download it here.

             Otherwise, there's a really messy method. Rename the rom bcats_tcm.zip to bcats_l5.zip (keeping the name bcats_l5 for the cGameName) and check 'Ignore ROM CRC errors' in vPinMame (F1 during gameplay).


Thanks to :

I recommend this fabulous version of the table by the VPW team : 


I also recommend @hauntfreaks's magnificent B2s :


If you'd like to see some of the rules for playing this table, I suggest this rather well-done page https://www.jeff-z.com/pinball/badcats/rules/rules.html


As usual, I welcome any comments or suggestions you may have to help me improve the colorizing.


Enjoy !

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· Edited by zedrummer

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Thanks @ebor, another alphanumeric ROM. Those comics bubbles and your expertise on the background colors make this even better than the previous ones!


   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Awesome work mate!





One of my favorite tables from my college days.  Combined with the VPW's table, jwkramer61's modded b2s and your color dmd, this is better than the original.  Excellent job.



Fantastic! thank you for sharing and for the time involved making it.



What a great job!  Complete game changer for this awesome table. Five Meows!



This looks amazing! Thanks for all of your hard work! 



Another great DMD colourisation, nice upgrade from the alphanumeric.  Thanks.



I love this tables 'energy' and the theme of the DMD just pushes it WAY over the top for me. My wife

and I have a running contest on this table so I am excited for her to see the updated Full Colored DMD and see if she notices :) 


Thanks so much for all the work and your contribution to the community. I very much appreciate what you

have done with this and am grateful to have it in my Cab.







Thanks for another great job!



Great ! Thank you for this new must-have colorization !




Great stuff Ebor. You are treating the community well 🥳



BRAVO! Love It!





 Colorizing the roms takes a lot of time, thank you for the work!



Top merci pour cette rom color :) 



Looks excellent thanks for sharing 



Thanks Ebor! Another great release. It's a real game changer. 

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