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Star Mission (Durham 1977?) - Loading

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cerebusk Created by

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I couldn't actually confirm that this game was released in 1977.  I remember that a friend of mine had one, but that would have been much later than 1977.  Space Mission was available in the JC Penney Christmas Catalog from 1981, which was the earliest reference I could find.


My original thought was to see if there had been a TV commercial for this game, but it doesn't look like it was actually marketed all that much.  However, I did find a hi-rez picture of the box that game came in.  It was on a website that was written in an Eastern European language I didn't immediately recognize, possibly because the table was manufactured in Yugoslavia, but I couldn't 100% confirm this either.  The video is made from the logo I copied from the box (which was higher quality than what I was able to extract from the backglass) as well as the bullet points highlighting the toy's features..  The price shown is the price of the game at JC Penney in 1981.


For the music, I chose the track "Re-Entry" by Neil Norman, which sounds a little bit like it's riffing on the Disco-ized versions of Star Wars that were all the rage in 1977.  Not coincidentally, the track was released in France on the B side of a cover of the theme to Star Wars, albeit not a disco version.  This track seems like the right choice given that the table's artwork is clearly walking up to the line of copying Star Wars visuals while being careful not to violate any trademarks.

Edited by cerebusk
Corrected title

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