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Guns N Roses (Data East 1994) b2s + full dmd

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5 From 6 reviews
36.12 MB File Size
HauntFreaks Created by
HauntFreaks Artwork by
Data East Manufacturer
1994 Year

4 Screenshots

About This File

Guns N Roses (Data East 1994) b2s + full dmd
clean, sharp, 2.5K res image
this b2s image has about 3hrs of work into it, plus I through my whole bag of tricks at it and its lighting
NEW grill added for two screen setups v1.5
cab art on the full dmd


need help?  download Full DMD Read Me.txt
NEW I'm now including DT-res-files.zip file (this is collection of .res files for DT mode players to use my b2s files on there single screens) these were created by @Cliffy
I don't ask or beg for donations... if you feel overwhelmingly compelled to do so, PLEASE donate to the charity of your own choice... this is a hobby NOT a business 

What's New in Version v1.5   See changelog


v1.5  added a grill for two screen setups (by request)

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You rock!, Thank you so much.



Again, WOW! This really makes the table pop!  Thank you for this and a special Thank You for continuing to support us  2 screen users.




Thanks HauntFreaks.

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