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  1. View File New Wave (Bell Games 1985) New Wave was a conversion kit done by Bell Games in 1985; utilizing a full reuse of Black Pyramid. Since I just finished Black Pyramid, it was very straightforward to use that as a baseline for the New Wave conversion kit. @redbone spent a lot of time getting the playfield, plastics, bumpers, targets, and other images just right. He was able to utilize some prior work that @cyberpez did as well. I've included TONS of options in there, as it was a kit, and it appears that lots of different items could be installed. Also Cyberpez requested I add some options he was working on years ago. So, there are alternate plastics, bumpers, flippers, targets, rollovers, rollover lights, led edge lighting, and lots of ball choices... including a few glowballs. All changeable in the F12 menu. I was also able to reuse some work that was done on the cabinet for VR and the backglass. I think Devious626 did lots of that work in the past. And hauntfreaks did some effort in the past on the backglass. Those images have been incorporated as well. I implemented the latest VPW standards for physics, GI VLM, 3D inserts, AllLamps routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, roth drop and standup targets, a swinging target, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, default and optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid, Flupper style bumpers and lighting. Redbone also updated the plastics, target images, and bumpers. Lots of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. There are options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors for balls, flippers, screws, LED plastics, rollovers and lights, bumpers, plastics, and brightness of bumpers when off and when lit. There are also multiple VR room environments and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Please NOTE on the ROM settings: The default settings for the ROM options are hard coded into the script and are based on the recommended values from Bally for 3 balls. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Also NOTE: Just like Black Pyramid, Bally recommends to ensure that the self-test position settings for the ROM menu items for 16,17,18,19 are set to "03". Here is the procedure to do this. I've included the nvram in the zip file as well, so if you want to bypass that step and use it instead. Here is the procedure to set the self-test positions on this Bally 35 MPU table: 1. Press 7 to enter test mode. Continue to repeatedly press 7 until you see 01 appear in the ball in play/match display 2. Press and HOLD the 1 key until it reaches the value you want to set it to (start with 16). The value will increase by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. If you happen to go past the value you want to set it to, while holding in the 1 key press and release the 7 key. The value will then decrement by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. When you reach the value you want, release the 1 key. Set the value to 03. 3. Repeat pressing 7 to scroll the remainder of the settings (17,18,19) and change values to 03 in the similar manner. 4. Press F3 to save your changes and reset the table. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC7 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2046-043fac7 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1194: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1194-0474eb3 Submitter UnclePaulie Submitted 01/16/25 Category VPX - Pinball Tables VPX Standalone Yes  
  2. Version 2.0


    ************************************** Version 2.0 Additional instruction: This needs VPX 10.7.3 or later and for VR it is optimized for 10.8 #814. Lighting works a bit differently per revision Scorbit uses 3 extra EXE files that should be but into VPX tables folder. Same place where you put the VPX file and BloodMachinesDMD-folder. Notice that some of these EXE files may need to be unblocked 2 of the EXE's are same than previous Scorbit tables, but this time they are just stored in tables folder. 3rd one is QRView which is made to enable QR code to be seen in VPX table. VPX doesn't normally support loading of external image files. Sources: https://github.com/iaakki/VPXQRView By default it runs still with FlexDMD. You must enable PUP from script and also remember to use options batch files under pup folder. ************************************** Alright, let’s do this old school… VPinWorkshop are proud to present our very first original table, “Blood Machines”, based on the movie from Seth Ickerman with music by Carpenter Brut. After watching Blood Machines iaakki thought that it would make a great theme for a pinball table, so we started talking about it in VPW and decided that if we were going to do it as our first completely original VPW table, that we wanted to do it properly. With this in mind we contacted Seth Ickerman to see if they would be interested in the project and to see if there was any chance they would be able to provide any assets that we could use. Thankfully Not only were they amazed at what we were doing, but they supplied us with 70gig of 3D models and textures which were used in the film! The only issue now was that these were so high detail that a huge amount of work was needed to optimize them so they would even load in VPX, but thankfully Flupper came to the rescue and did a fantastic job optimising the models and textures so we could put them in the table without setting your PC on fire (for example the ship went down from 8 million polygons to 130,000!) At the time of writing this the table was at revision 335 (release candidate 1.5) with *well* over 1000 man-hours sunken into it, the amount of work has been staggering but we hope that you’ll agree that it was worth it. The table itself has loads of features that have never been seen before in other VPX tables and we have tried our best to keep most/all of it secret as we want everyone to experience it for themselves firsthand, which is why until very recently we’ve kept details very close to our chest. *IMPORTANT* In order to fully enjoy the table and play it as it was designed to be played, you will need to purchase the awesome soundtrack by Carpenter Brut (about £5/$5/5e) and place the MP3s in your vpinball music directory: C:\Visual Pinball\Music\BLOOD MACHINES OST We really hope people do support the artist and purchase it from; https://carpenterbrut.bandcamp.com/album/blood-machines-ost VPW Blood Machines Project Lead – iaakki Table Layout Design – iaakki, Dapheni Art Lead & 2D Graphics – Astronasty 3D Objects & Textures – Tomate, Flupper, iaakki, Sixtoe, D.J. Scripting & Coding – iaakki, Apophis, oqqsan, Wylte, Lumigado, fluffhead35 DMD – Oqqsan, eMBee, Astronasty, Lumigado. Pupdmd - Frank H, HeartbeatMD VR – Sixtoe, leojreimroc, iaakki Table Rules – Apophis, iaakki, VPW Team. Shot Tester – gtxjoe Testing – Rik, PinStratsDan, VPW Team Installation Instructions =================== VPX 10.7 https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases VPVR 10.7.3 https://github.com/vpinball/vpvr/releases/ FlexDMD v1.8.0 https://github.com/vbousquet/flexdmd/releases/ Windows 11 Crashing with oPlayer1 error? Go into windows11 apps>optional features>more windows features and check "media features" Riks Cabinet WIP Video PinStratsDan Desktop Video Rawds VR video: You can watch the film on Shudder, AMC’s streaming service; https://www.shudder.com/series/watch/blood-machines/033e95260abc2604?season=1
  3. Version


    You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out! (Shag 2024) this is an unofficial celebration of the artist Shag and his christmas art it is also loosely based on the movie "A Christmas Story" (some art and callouts) this was originally Whoa Nellie by Allknowing and HauntFreaks (Me) built manny years ago the layout has been modded to be more cohesive with the art Credits: HauntFreaks: modded layout, graphics, lighting, shadows, sounds and callouts Cliffy: testing, trim, apron mods Teisen: testing, new posts, materials, post lighting Abhcoide: scripting mods DGrimmReaper: ALL the VR stuff Apophis: physics for best results please us these software updates: VPX 10.8.0 RC4 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1975-051104c B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 <---- this one is required for the b2s to run correctly
  4. Version 1.0.0


    *********************John Wick Puppack************************* Hi Everyone *Download the Zip File *Unzip it *Run the Bat file You want and You are ready to play *Set the volume for the videos and the music to whatever You want inside the Pup - Editor **** YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY - RULES ARE INSIDE , READ IT **** *If You are a DOF user download the Gif Images here : **If the link asks for a decrypt key, use a different browser than chrome. Place the SD gif image in your directoutput folder containing the ini files. Be sure to update your ini files if you haven't recently. If you have a HD matrix, copy the code from the back effects HD section and paste over the normal back effects section then save and update. Use the HD gif instead of the SD gif. This only applies if you have a MX LED back matrix. Thanks 🙏 Darrin Chamberlain https://mega.nz/file/nvA0FJyJ#mlXRqcv3nxZqkIUwAN23_sS3_5KjfSxFmGWeFYWe0uo ************************************************************************** *New Updated Table version 1.2 Table here : https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/16522-john-wick-babayaga-pinball-edition/ ************************************************************************** *PF Loading video by Nesta78 here : https://mega.nz/file/mz5VlBpA#GiJ_QOXxyf23n_HOE4x-8C_DhHr-QOqiJY77hIt_oKc **********CREDITS****************** Thanks to Ludo Balutito for this amazing REskin Thanks To Joe Picasso for provide the Amazing JOhn Wicks Car 3D THanks To DArrin and Jim (DOf Masters) Thanks To the MAster JP Salas Thanks Toni - The_ Living_ Arcade Thanks NEsta78 for the Amazing PF loading Video and Finally none of this will be possible without my TeamTuga' s MAtes : MArio PAulo and Pedro Peres. THANKS TO ALL VPX COMMUNITY ******ALL OF THIS IS FREE DONT BUY IT******* ENJOY IT **All Logos, Music, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  5. Version 1.2.2


    This mod was originally supposed to be a small one, with just adding updated physics, sound and a VR room, then everyone got carried away and the table ended up being rendered and redone and tweaked to infinity Big thanks to ICPJuggla, Mfuegemann, Dark & Ben Logan for the original table. VR and other options are all in the script. Enjoy! *** V-Pin Workshop Taxi Drivers *** Tomate - Project Manager, including new primitives, textures. Bord - nFozzy flippers and physics apophis - Fleep sound, rtx shadows, general tweaks. Sixtoe - VR Stuff, lots of fiddling about. oqqsan - Playfield inserts and fading GI. UnclePaulie - VR backbox improvements & fixes. iaakki & fluffhead35 - misc tweaks and debugging Rik - Testing and feedback VPW Crew - Playtesting and suggestions **CHANGE LOG ** ' 001 - bord - Added nFozzy flippers and physics ' 002 - apophis - Added Fleep sound package ' 003 - apophis - Added missing knockerposition prim ' 004 - tomate - New flippers prims added ' 005 - tomate - Shadows flippers size fixed ' 006 - Sixtoe - VR stuff, fully operational built in backbox / dmd / backglass, fixed loads of light and glow weirdness, unified timers, added cabinet mode. ' 007 - tomate - upper left VUK direction corrected, exits of collidable wireRamps fixed, metal wall near express lane2 fixed, cab POV corrected ' 009 - tomate - new giOn baked textures added, warm lut added, plastic Ramps textures retouched with a warm photo filter to match ' 010 - tomate - some giOff textures aded, slingshots missing sounds fixed, deformed slings rubbers replaced by prims ' 011 - oqqsan - inserts and 4step sidewalls and pf .. needs adjustments ' 012 - tomate - rest of giOff textures added, plastics textures added to 4 steps fade, some GI lights repositioned, textures size optimized ' 013 - Sixtoe - Removed one set of GI, hooked it all back up and dropped under playfield, tidied up assets, set old walls to non-visible to stop clashes, played with loads of lights, removed redundant scripts and images. ' 014 - iaakki - fiddled with GI steps and PF flasher. Fixed flip shadow DP and Z issues. tied some prims to gi steps ' 015 - apophis - Replaced the ringing_bell sound effect. Increased alpha mask on PF images to get rid of insert jaggies. Increased inserts DL. Fixed BS DB. ' 016 - apophis - Added RTX BS. Fixed GI lights so that ball reflection work now. ' 017 - UnclePaulie - Animated the VR backglass flasher Lights. Fixed the jackpot displays. Hid the desktop / cabinet mode backbox lights. Moved ball shadow primatives. Added a VRCab bottom so you can't see the floor through cab. ' 018 - apophis - Updated RTX BS. Added target bouncer, flipper rubberizer, and flipper coil ramp up options. Fixed ball bouncing out left outlane after ramp drop. ' 019 - Sixtoe - Fixed playfield rendering weirdly, numerous other tweaks and adjustments, adjusted some lights, put the roof back on the spinout ' 020 - apophis - Fixed RTX shadow DB issue. Chnaged rampsDecals DL from below to 0 and DB to -100. Added a differnt ball HDR. Messed with the DT mode backglass. ' 021 - fluffhead35 - Updated Flipper Physics to be inline with nfozzy ' 022 - Sixtoe - Added physical wires under flippers and outlanes, hooked up bumpers to GI system, adjust shooter lane gate, messed around the table lights again including materials, set height walls to non-collidable. ' 023 - Sixtoe - Fixed GI, added bumper bulbs to GI system, some small tweaks and fixes here and there. ' 024 - apophis - Revered the DT backglass object positions. Force GI on at table initialization. Changed flipper DB. Increased plunger strength/speed. Increased target hit volume. ' 025 - iaakki - flip trigger areas reworked, rdampen 10ms timer added, rubberizer options added, catapult timer improved, tied drop target DL to GI, fixed insert fading for few inserts ' 026 - apophis - finished up fixing inserts fading ' 027 - Sixtoe - Target bounce set to 1.5
  6. Version 1.02


    It's Dine Time!!!!! The VPin Workshop presents an update to Flupper's amazing Diner Table. Fluffhead35 - Project Lead, Scripting, Roth/nFozzy physics, Fleep sound effects, Flupper Domes, Dynamic Shadows, insert lighting, Roth DropTargets, apophis slings Leojreimroc - VR Room, Animated Backglass, Desktop DMD Skitso - Update GI, LUT, Textures, Inserts, and Ramp materials Apophis - Various Lighting suggests, fixed insert alignment and DINER Inserts Sixtoe - Ramp Adjustments and VR Adjustments Iaakki - Flipper Primitive and Angle Adjustments and Solved ball getting stuck on Left Ramp Rawd - VR Testing and added that amazing Burger and Fries object Rik - Testing and gameplay knowledge PinStratsDan, VPW Team - Testing If you are using Blacksad's great backglass (see below) then you can enable its cool feature by going into the vpx script and setting EnableBlacksadBackglass to 1. A big thanks goes out to Flupper for allowing us to update this beautiful table and to all that came before us... Diner by Flupper Based on VP9 version by Tamoore which was based on Pac-Dude's version Playfield redraw by Bodydump Plastics redraws by Ben Logan Several plastics photos from George standup target by Dark many sounds from Knorr's sound package testing by Clark Kent and Ben Logan Shadow ball code by Ninuzzu RIK's Video
  7. Version 2.0.1


    The legend known as Black Pyramid lives again through the far corners of Bally's 1984 pinball machine! This is a great play and challenging table. The main goal is to achieve 10,000,000 points to get a free game according to several reviews of game play. A good overview of the rules can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEZIFjQppR4 This was a definite challenge to create as there wasn't a good playfield available, however thanks to @redbone for spending countless hours creating a playfield from various images on the web. And thanks to Apophis for helping me with various Blender techniques to obtain a solid VLM GI bake, as well as physics testing. I was able to utilize various images, videos, and Redbone's playfield to get accurate placement of everything, and then implemented the latest VPW standards for physics, GI VLM, 3D inserts, AllLamps routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, Roth drop and standup targets, a swinging target, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, default and optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid, Flupper style bumpers and lighting. Redbone also updated the plastics, target images, and bumpers. Dozens and dozens of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. Significant time was also spent on implementing a center swinger target solution to be a combination of Roth standup targets and the swinger target approach done by Loserman on Space Oddesy. There are options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors for balls, flippers, screws, LED plastics, and brightness of bumpers when off and when lit. There are also multiple VR room environments and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Please NOTE on the ROM settings: The default settings for the ROM options are hard coded into the script and are based on the recommended values from Bally for 3 balls. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Also NOTE: Bally recommends to ensure that the self-test position settings for the ROM menu items for 16,17,18,19 are set to "03". I recommend doing immediately when you first launch the game. Here is the procedure to set the self-test positions on this Bally 35 MPU table: Press 7 to enter test mode. Continue to repeatedly press 7 until you see 01 appear in the ball in play/match display Press and HOLD the 1 key until it reaches the value you want to set it to (start with 16). The value will increase by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. If you happen to go past the value you want to set it to, while holding in the 1 key press and release the 7 key. The value will then decrement by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. When you reach the value you want, release the 1 key. Set the value to 03. Repeat pressing 7 to scroll the remainder of the settings (17,18,19) and change values to 03 in the similar manner. Press F3 to save your changes and reset the table. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC7 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2046-043fac7 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1194: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1194-0474eb3
  8. Version 2.0.2


    Thank you to Flupper for the permission to mod his 1.3 version of the table. Flupper did significant improvements to the lighting on 4k cabs, all lighting inserts, several glow ball options, and several other additions. It looks fantastic! I requested to make this a hybrid table for desktop and VR users. Also, I wanted to get all the latest VPW sound and physics updates added as well. Thanks to the VPW team for all tutorials, advice, code, etc. for the physics, sounds, etc. A HUGE thank you to Rothbauerw for all his advice, feedback, and suggestions on this table. It makes it play amazing! Also thanks to PinStratsDan, Apophis, Rawd, Wylte, Fluffhead, Sixtoe, Tomate, and Flupper for testing and feedback. There are LOTS of options on this table. All of Flupper's cabinet mode settings from his 1.3 version are intact and are the default settings for cabinet mode (lighting, ball choice, pov, reflections, bloom, etc.). IF you want to change that, it's all via the script options. Options include: VR, cab, desktop modes; VR room customizations, LUT, rail glow, brightness, bloom, flipper bats, a playfield RANSOM plate, and ball choices. They are all at the top of the script. NOTE: You MUST choose which mode you are going to play in the script options at a minimum... VR, desktop, or cab_mode. Updates by UnclePaulie include: - Hybrid mode for VR, cab, and desktop - Two VR room environments and an option for a clock and a topper - Animated backglass in VR - Brightness, bloom, reflections, and other lighting settings - Updated to Roth/nFozzy phsics and flipper physics settings - Updated to Fleep sounds - Updated the ramproll and ball rolling sounds. - Added dynamic shadows, and optimized to reduce stutter in VR on some systems. - Updated to newer drop targets and drop target physics. - Added in updated rubberizer code for flippers for more natural bounce. - Additional ball options added... especially for VR users. - Option for bright or dark LUT. - Adjusted some of the inset light shapes to correct for small light leaks - Adjusted rollover targets to be oriented correctly, and added plywood cutouts. - Resized the flipper to a more natural length. - Added a plunger groove to keep ball from floating around in plunger lane - Added new relay sounds to the various light objects that turn on and off. - Optimized other parts of code to help with stutter.
  9. Version 1.13


    It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock n' roll! This mod started out as a simple collaboration between Hauntfreaks and Fluffhead35 to add new physics and VR room ended up as so much more. This table has had the bell code completely reworked by Apophis to work more like the real table. The playfield has been tweaked by none other than nFozzy himself to be more in line with the blueprint. He also fixed the right and left ramps to be true to the real table. nFozzy has graced this table with his experience to make it table amazing to play. This table was a mod of Sixtoe's AC/DC VR Room, where we made it a hybrid table. Fluffhead35 - Fleep, nFozzy physics, dynamic shadows, drop target code and new drop targets, 3d inserts, added new flipper bats, lighting tweaks, added Lampz code, adjusted nudge HauntFreak - Added new VR Room, Lighting Adjustments, Playfield Shadows Sixtoe - Original VR, Lighting, separated out horns on the train, many more he could not remember. Fixed right ramp, fixed bumper flashers. Realignment and prettying up rubbers and stuff. Apophis - New Bell Physics, scripting, guidance nFozzy - new collidable ramps to fix the shapes of them, moved top hole variance, bell metal/orbit metal tweaks, playfield reshape to correct dimensions. implemented ramp protectors, blank sidewalls, ramp stickers, adjusted bell position. Tomate - New visual ramps Retro27 - VR Room / Cabinet Reworked, New DMD Decals, Start button, tournament mode lights added. Adjustment to Instructions cards, added new render mode for VR Schlabber34 – reworked drop targets and other objects in blender for use in table. Bietekwiet, PinStratsDan, BountyBob, VPW Team - Beta testing! Many thanks to the original team who built this table from the ground up: ninuzzu, DJRobX, dark, tom tower, knorr, rysr, Peter J and Javier. And thanks to the VPDevTeam for the freaking amazing VPX. THIS UPDATE NEEDS THE LATEST VPINMAME, AT LEAST v3.6.0-1209 https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases
  10. Version 1.4


    Keep your eyes on the road! Red & Teds Road Show Tune-Up by VPin Workshop based on Knorr and Clark Kents version. Loads of new stuff including new physics, lighting, flashers, inserts, sounds, shadows and other things. VPW Road Crew ************ Sixtoe - Project Lead Skitso - Lighting Clark Kent - Physics Tweaking, real table comparison Additional Script Work - apophis, fluffhead, Wylte Testing - Rik, Pinstratsdan, VPW Team Uses code from; Flashers & Bumper Code - Flupper Physics - nfozzy & rothbauerw Audio - Fleep Original Table Thanks; Knorr and Clark Kent '************* 'VPW Changelog '************* 'v0.001 - Sixtoe - Script butchery, physical trough and blast zone (save the balls!) 'v0.002 - Sixtoe - Continued script butchery, nfozzy physics, fleep sound calls (but no sounds) 'v0.003 - Sixtoe - Implemented physical ted lock, well, I say that, but it doesn't work. Locks if you hold a ball above sw52. 'v0.004 - apophis - Got the multiball lock mech working 'v0.005 - Sixtoe - Lighting! Flupper Flashers, Lampz, GI, Flupper Bumpers, Light Shaping, Blooms, Cab Lockdown & Rails, loads of other tweaks. 'v0.006 - Sixtoe - Fixed bumpers (thanks Oqqsan), Added VR cabinet and minimal room, fixed some VR issues, fluppers flippers added, flipper shadows added. 'v0.007 - Skitso - Full GI remake. Color / brightness corrected textures, replaced PF texture to one without ramp shadows, improved over pf bulbs, fixed red bulbs over ramp entrances, improved spots, rotated bumper caps to correct position, new ball, new lut, tons of DL tweaking. 'v0.008 - Sixtoe - Primitive Inserts added and hooked up (need tuning), new playfield cutout & insert text layer, city kicker tuned down, hooked up blast zone playfield flasher. 'v0.009 - Skitso - Tuned primitive inserts. Reverted map edge inserts back to original white (instead of red/blue/white, should maybe add this as a mod?) Reverted banana insert/flasher as a skitso style. Further improvements to GI, added a bit more oooph to flashers 'v0.010 - Skitso - Improved flashers 'v0.011 - fluffhead35 - Wiring up Fleep Sounds, Ball Roll Sounds, and Wire Ramp Sounds. Removed Duplicate function lampfilter 'v0.012 - Sixtoe - Removed duplicate bumpers, changed some physics materials, adjusted flipper physics surrounds, adjusted right vuk kicker, turned up the bumpers, increased the table slope to 6.5, added delay script to drain, changed a few post settings, 'v0.013 - Sixtoe - Messed around with the subways again, changed head materials, underplayfield wall installed, rectangle spotlight hoods installed, moved ball lock exit wall blocker, adjusted spinner sound, set physics to mid 90's onwards, flipper and physics tweaks as per nfozzy and clark kents suggestions, 'v0.013a - ClarkKent - Tweaked physics 'v0.014 - Sixtoe - Reinforced the entire table to try and prevent wall gaps, hooked up sound for scoops, added dynamic shadows, tidied up and removed unused resources 'v0.015 - Sixtoe - Re-added missing inlane walls. 'v0.016 - Sixtoe - Fixed broken playfield material 'v0.017 - N/A 'v0.018 - Sixtoe - Redid playfield mesh (twice), spent ages trying to tweak city start hole, replaced metal walls, added wigwag flashing lights for ramps (thanks nfozzy & iaakki), added flipper bounces (thanks apophis), changed wall entrance profile on left uturn (thanks clarkkent), fixed dynamic shadow depth bias (thanks apophis), fixed right wire ramp exit, changed tedtrig, changed left plunger strength, adjusted outlane rubbers 'v0.019 - Sixtoe - Tweaked lower small flipper area (thanks ClarkKent), adjusted blastzone sounds (thanks wytle), added hit sounds to Red and Ted's mouth plastics, fixed some other sounds, changed depth bias for upper flipper shadows, blastzone wall cutout added, updated VR cabinet images (thanks ClarkKent). 'v0.020 - fluffhead35 - Removed VolumeDial from the BallRoll and RampRoll sound math to make the sound louder. Uncommented shadow code from RollingUpdate. Added option to use Alternate WireRamp sounds from original table. 'v0.021 - Sixtoe - Fixed lower stubby flipper ball trap, fixed apron sound ' Clark Kent - tweaked flippers, adjusted rubbers, adjusted position of the left slingshot rubber bands, moved pegs, tweaked bumpers, reduced elasticity of gates, 'v0.022/23 - Clark Kent - Tweaks 'v0.024 - apophis - Updated flasher code to support modulated flasher levels 'v0.025/26 - Clark Kent - Tweaks 'v0.027 - apophis - Updated sw78 kick strength. Fixed Lampz Update1 to work with -1 timer. Modified fading speeds per as necessary. Implemented some performance improvements when flashers stack. 'v0.027a - apophis - Fixed Bumper and flasher initialization conflict. Fixed some insert bloom falloff sizes. 'v0.032 - Sixtoe - Fixed flashers, fixed bumpers, fixed bumper central flasher, added aftermarket target decals, add delay to dropsound, 'v0.033 - Clark Kent - Wall002 adjusted 'v0.034 - Wylte - Adjusted clear post material, added arch sounds to BlockerWall1, enabled hit sounds for metal walls, set FS pov 'v0.034a - apophis - Fixed bumpers.
  11. Version 1.0.3


    **Reupload, nothing new since 1.0.3 - Nov. '20 Austin Powers Table Tune-Up by members of VPin Workshop Discord. This was going to be just a fast rework for this fine table, but we ended up doing way more. Includes Desktop, Cab and VR versions in one VPX file as well as two POV files. nFozzy Physics: Benji, iaakki, Rothbauerw, Javier PF rework, graphics: iaakki, EBisLit, Tomate, Brad1x Inserts and lights: iaakki VR work & Various Fixes: Sixtoe Ramp plastics: Benji Fleep's Sound package integration: Benji 3D model changes: Benji, Tomate, Sixtoe Various script changes by iaakki, Javier Testing: people of VPin Workshop Discord, Rik Laubach We also included a new flipper trick with Rothbauerw to physics. It is called FlipNudge. One can use it for slowing the ball on the bat by spamming the other bat. Deadflip calls this "Fanning", but it was a lame name. This release wouldn't have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including, most notably, Javier, 32Assassin, DStruct, Francisco666, Rom, ClarkKent and Ninuzzu Thank you to Flupper for 3D insert techniques and Flasher domes. Thank you to Fleep for the sound package. Thank you to Rothbauerw and NFozzy for physics. Thank you to Wrd1972 for bouncy standup targets. ' 1.0.1 - Sixtoe - Adjusted right ramp, fixed some minor issues. ' 1.0.2 - Sixtoe - Redid all the ramp gates including prims and switches so everything both works and looks better, fixed 2 flasher switches not working. ' 1.0.2 - iaakki - added one hidden Wall003 and minor flip tweak ' 1.0.3 - iaakki - VUK fixed
  12. Version 1.0.0


    The VPin Workshop members present a table tune-up for Congo by Williams! This is one from Williams "rubbish film, great pinball!" series, and really shouldn't be missed, a true under appreciated gem. • Inserts & Lighting Overhaul: Skitso • nFozzy physics: Rastan350 • Fleep Sounds: Rastan350 • Ramps: Flupper & Benji • VR Stuff & Fixes: Sixtoe • Miscellaneous fixes and tweaks: Sixtoe, iaakki, Skitso, tomate • Apron and VUK guard Primitives: tomate • Playfield Mesh: Bord • Jungle 360 VR Room: 3rdaxis (from his Grand Lizard VR Room) • Table Assets and Scans: Mwong • Testing: Rik, Rastan350, Panik Flip gaming, VPW team This release would not have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including, in this case nFozzy, Dark, LoadedWeapon and JPSalas. Thank you to Rothbauerw for nFozzy physics. Thanks you to Fleep for sounds. Thanks to all before us. 'Started from Skitsos personal mod '004 - Rastan350 - new physics and sounds '005 - Skitso - reworked all GI and flashers, improved insert lighting, new LUT '006 - iaakki - debugged some flip physics issues and now live catch and nudge works, flip angles changed, removed some lights, flip physics parameters updated '007 - Skitso - temporary fix for broken flashers. Replaced SHOOT AGAIN and KICKBACK insert textures to a more visually pleasing ones. '008 - iaakki - merged flashers. Solflash17 created for "modulated" Amy flasher '009 - Skitso - fixed flashers, fixed ball shadow depth bias issue, added one missing GI light under left ramp, made upper lane guide lamps to show through AMY's hand, new volcano ramp textures, improved Grey playfield texture and shadows, new dark texture for yellow hit targets on Grey playfield, added tiny bit of DL to Grey when GI is lit, fixed right sligshot plastics material and repositioned light beneath '010 - Skitso - improved rule card texture, backwall texture and left ramp decal. Added backfacing transparent triangles rendering to ramps, improved bumber lighting. '011 - iaakki - ball drop sounds fixed. It is still bugged occasionally but not sure why.. '012 - Skitso - better upper PF laneguide prim, improved lights for upper lane guides, tweaked flashers. '015 - iaakki - fixed ramp exits so that ball drop sounds can work properly '016 - Sixtoe - Re-organised whole table, added VR room and assets, replaced rails and sideblades (switchable for art ones, which I redid a bit), raised some lights and dropped others (to stop it cutting prims in half), fixed z fighting for several walls, removed numerous unused assets, redid sling rubbers and area (including physics objects), cut holes in playfield and made drop holes, turned off backfacing rendering for ramps as it breaks VR, will try and find a workaround, raised DL meanwhile, removed redundant drop code, removed wall that stopped ball dropping off wire ramp, probably some other stuff I forgot '017 - Benji - New ramps based on flupper's new tutorial '018 - Flupper - New ramp models, new ramp textures. "plsatic_ramps" texture in image manager is better for VR '019 - tomate - LowPoly left ramp added. '020 - tomate - flipperTimer added, flippers prims and shadows, slightly corrected left flipper location, New wireRamps prims, plastic ramps slightly modified to fit wire ramps, DC-3 model added '021 - tomate - WireRamps textures added, split wire ramps (up and down), down wireRamp reflection disabled, plastic plane recovered from previous version '022 - iaakki - Gorilla flips physics change, LUT changer added with failsafe improvements, Cabinet mode improved, RampLook option added '023 - Sixtoe - Complete fixtures and fittings pass, changed most things, tons of small tweaks and adjustments to positions of things, drilled a hole in the plastic ramp, added seperate VR graphics setup for ramps and wire runs, unified timers, probably something else I forgot. '024 - Sixtoe - Tinkered with the metals and lighting to get the fixings more natural and suited to table. '026 - tomate - new 3d apron and apron texture added, apron rails and POV fixed '027 - Sixtoe - Added playfield mesh from Bord, more tinkering and adjusting including apron area for VR and finally punting it out the door 'RC2 - Skitso - Fixed playfield mesh location, made ball shinier, altered few materials, made apron a tad more in shadow. 'RC3 - iaakki - Fixed GI control, added TargetBouncerEnabled and RubberizerEnabled script options to make table feel more real 'RC4 - Skitso - Improved GI, small insert tweaks 'RC4.1 - Skitso - Grouped a few missing GI lights 'RC4.2 - tomate - post-draw textures added, new primitives and textures for VUK exits added 'RC5 - Sixtoe - Sling kickers adjusted, changed back wall layout, adjusted vuk prims and added material, fixed leftrampdrop height and visibility, tweaked metal pole on left orbit, changed env image, altered materials and textures for metals and volcano, cropped new GI lamps. 'RC6 - iaakki - FlipperNudge tuned. Sw55 target had incorrect phys parameters. gi_bulb022/23 adjust 'RC7 - Skitso - tuned satellite inserts and made all purple inserts more natural color, tuned Gi_Bulb014, tuned perimeter defence flasher 'RC8 - iaakki - l82f fixed. ramp tied to gi. RubberBand material adjusted, ramp41 decal adjusted 'RC9 - Sixtoe - Fixed VR script, altered desktop backdrop, minor tweaks.
  13. Version 1.4.3


    "Don't you realize? The next time you see sky, it'll be over another town. The next time you take a test, it'll be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best of stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what's right for them. Because it's their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here." The VPin Workshop members present The Goonies: Never Say Die Pinball! This project started out by adding physics and fleep sound to Hawkeyez88 pup-pack release. In doing so many scripting issues were found in the original table. We decided to not only fix the current table, but have added support for FlexDMD, new modes, ramps, shadows, playfield, sounds, ect. Pretty much every piece of this table has been touched, enhanced, and tested. This table is setup to work with the FlexDMD out of the box. You can disable the FlexDMD and enable the pupPack created by Hawkeyez88 by changing the options in the script. * Main table overhaul: fluffhead35, oqqsan * nfozzy and fleep: fluffhead35 * DOF: apophis * New playfield design: HauntFreaks * Playfield, image and lighting updates: HauntFreaks * Backglass: HauntFreaks * Droptarget Shadows: HauntFreaks * Miscellaneous fixes and tweaks: Entire VPW team inc. Sixtoe, apophis, wylte, fluffhead35, oqqsan, Nailbuster * 3d Inserts: oqqsan * flupperdomes : oqqsan * FlexDMD : oqqsan * Apron Primitives: oqqsan and Tomate * Ramp Primitives: tomate * New Toy Primitives Chester,coins,key: oqqsan * Scoring and game play enhancements: Rik, apophis, oqqsan * Testing: Rik, apophis, VPW team * Bone Organ Primitives: Tomate * Bone Organ Animations: oqqsan * wylte: Flasher shadows on ramp * Original pupdmd code: Nailbuster * Previous DMD animations: VPFiends This release would not have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including, in this case, Javiers VPX version. Thank you to Rothbauerw and nFozzy for the physics. Thanks to Fleep for sounds.
  14. Version 1.05


    The future of pinball has landed! Mayday, Mayday ... - - - ... Transporter, The Rescue ~ Table Tune-Up by members of the VPin Workshop Discord. Enjoy this very rare (not many left in the wild!) but really fun table! This all started with the WIP release by Sliderpoint which he uploaded because of a lack of decent assets at the time. eMBee then took his WIP and project assets and brought it into the VPin Workshop. Shannon made a beautiful playfield and backplate redraw, with VPW adding nFozzy’s physics, Fleep sounds, new textures, new primitives, Lighting, 3D Inserts, VR room and other tweaks. *** VPin Workshop Astronauts *** • - Playfield redraw: Shannon • - Plastics redraw & new textures: eMBee • - Shadowmap, primitive plastics, and baked textures: Benji • - New ramps/primitives: Flupper • - 3D Inserts: eMBee, iaakki, Flupper • - Scripting: agenteightysix, iaakki, Flupper • - nFozzy physics: iaakki • - Flashers & (GI) Lighting Overhaul: agenteightysix, Flupper, Sixtoe, iaakki • - Droptarget meshes: bord • - Droptarget code and shadows, sound tweaks and adjustments: apophis • - Dynamic Shadows: Wylte • - VR Room: Sixtoe • - Miscellaneous tweaks & Fine tuning: Benji, eMBee, agenteightysix, Flupper, iaakki, tomate, Sixtoe, cyberpez, bord, Wylte, apophis • - Testing: Rik & VPW team
  15. Version 1.1


    Engage! VPW are proud to present a table tune up of Knorr and Clark Kent's version of Star Trek the Next Generation from Williams. Although already great, we've added updated nfozzy physics, added some fleep sound whilst keeping the original recordings from the real machine, added the full VR room suite from Rawd and Steely, updated Sixtoes VR cabinet with Leojreimroc making a fully functional backbox in VR and lots of other tweaks and fixes along the way. The table now plays even closer to the real thing and we hope you enjoy it! VPW Mod v1.0 ============ Project Lead - fluffhead35 VR Holodeck - Rawd/Steely VR Work/Backglass - Sixtoe/Leojreimroc Tweaks - ClarkKent, Apophis, Sixtoe ============ v01 - fluffhead35 - Added Flipper Triggers, Rubbers and Posts, Bumpers, slings, flipper, and table physics corrections. Adding in fliper and physic damperner code. - Adding in materials for all code v02 - fluffhead35 - Added Fleep sound v03 - fluffhead35 - finished Fleep sound and fixing upper flipper, changing flipper polarity to early 90's and later. Added Sling correction. Increased plunger strength. - Added logic to stop ball rolling sounds in subways. Set FlipperCoilRampupMode to 2 v05 - leojreimroc - Imported Rawd's Holodeck VR Room. Adjusted Laser barriers for VR. v06 - fluffhead35 - fixed flipper triggers. Rubber thickness fixed on upper flipper. Increased flipper hit sound level. Updated sling rubbers to use bottom corner for post pass. v07 - clarkkent - deleted zCol_Rubber_Sleeve008, RubberPost4, SubwayScoop_Prim v08 - fluffhead35 - Made Posts for post pass collidable, adjusted flippers to be in line with guide. Adjust playfield friction to .15. Adjusted sling posts physics for post pass. v09 - apophis - Added new playfield mesh. Increased speed of slingshot animations. v10 - Rawd - Added ClarkKent Cabinet artwork, some VR fixes and tweaks v11 - leojreimroc - Implemented Iaaki's flasher code to all solenoid flashers. Fixed a few flasher positions that were past the cabinet. Implemented VR Backglass lighting. v13 - fluffhead35 - Added new ball launch sound to help prevent high bass sounds. Adjusted size of sleave and physic materials of start mission scoop. Removed ball dampening triggers. v14 - fluffhead35 - updated the sling posts for post pass based on clark kents suggestions. Changed Table difficulty to 56. Added option to switch if ball launch should have bass lowered. v15 - fluffhead35 - Set default wire Ramp sounds to be from clark kents samples. Added option to use the other samples if user wants. Changed ball out to brighter ball. Turned off flipper corrections on upper right Flipper. - Changed environment emission image to be shinyenvironment3blur4. Adjusted gi around inlanes and inline insert lightings. 15d - set the falloff of gi lights to 5. Set the day night to 1, set environment lighting to black, adjusted warbird material, adjusted lighting around upper lanes. Adjusted some random insert lighting. Adjusted ramp friction based on clark kents suggestions. 15e - changed elasticity and scatter of sw57 to give ball more random bounces and goes down inlanes based on BountyBobs testing 16 - fluffhead35 - merged in nfozzy changed to init throughts at game start as well as using new flipper physics. Removed target bouncer from sleeve in start mission scoop. Lowered bumpercap3 from 25 to 20. Added TargetBouncer to Targets_hit 17 - Sixtoe - Added VR logo back in, hooked up cannon light primitives to lighting system, cleaned up script
  16. Version 1.1


    Welcome CACTUS CANYON, Partner!! The VPin Workshop Discord members present this table tune-up. This started out as a "quick" physics update, but we ended up adding so much more! • Inserts & Lighting Overhaul: Skitso • nFozzy physics: apophis • Roth Drop Targets: rotherbauerw, Sixtoe, apophis • Fleep Sounds: apophis • Fluppers Flashers & VR Room: Sixtoe • Miscellaneous tweaks: Skitso, apophis, oqqsan, Sixtoe, tomate, iaakki • Testing: Rik, Panik Flip gaming, VPW team This release would not have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including, most notably, Ninuzzu and Tom Tower. Thank you to Rothbauerw for nFozzy physics. Thanks you to Fleep for sounds. Thanks to all before us. ' 000 - Skitso - Updates to lighting, inserts, some flashers and LUT ' 001 - apophis - nFozzy flippers, rubber dampening, and materials applied. Adjusted plunger physics settings ' 002 - apophis - Added Fleep sounds package ' 003 - apophis - Added ramp sounds, fixed an issue with my implementation of flipper sounds, and hopefully fixed the stuck ball issue inside Bart ' 004 - apophis - Cabinet POV adjusted. Ramp rolling volume decreased, ball rolling volume increased slightly. Updated controller loading code, ' 005 - apophis - Adjusted autoplunger physics parameters. Removed duplicate flipper collision functions. ' 006 - apophis - Fixed GameTimer bug that prevented ball shadow from working. Added ShowBallShadows option. Fine-tuned autoplunger (thanks oqqsan) ' 006a - oqqsan - Added dynamic instruction card ' 007 - apophis - Added BartHatSoundEffects option. Removed unnecessary beer mug from game. ' 008 - skitso - Improved GI and inserts ' 009 - apophis - Updated flipper tricks to the latest version ' 010 - Sixtoe - Added vr cabvinet and room, fluppers flashers & roths droptargets, which are currently broken. ' 011 - apophis - Fixed drop targets. Change the method to check when target was successfully hit. ' 012/3 - Rotherbauerw - Fixed drop targets. ' 014 - Sixtoe - Added sound effects for drop targets, tried to fix ball traps, tidied up VR stuff, fixed rails, added rollover holes, changed rubber holder prims, adjusted a few minor things. ' 015 - iaakki - Fixed Desktop POV, ' 016 - Skitso - Remade all GI, altered some DL/DLFB values and modified textures for more accurate lighting. ' 017 - Sixtoe - Added Bart & hat to GI, adjusted to right GI so it doesn't look broken in GI, tweaked a few things including decals on traintrack ' 018 - apophis - Adjusted Cabinet POV ' 019 - Sixtoe - VR specific fixes and automatic switches, combined some timers, GI tweaks
  17. Version 2.0.0


    New Wave was a conversion kit done by Bell Games in 1985; utilizing a full reuse of Black Pyramid. Since I just finished Black Pyramid, it was very straightforward to use that as a baseline for the New Wave conversion kit. @redbone spent a lot of time getting the playfield, plastics, bumpers, targets, and other images just right. He was able to utilize some prior work that @cyberpez did as well. I've included TONS of options in there, as it was a kit, and it appears that lots of different items could be installed. Also Cyberpez requested I add some options he was working on years ago. So, there are alternate plastics, bumpers, flippers, targets, rollovers, rollover lights, led edge lighting, and lots of ball choices... including a few glowballs. All changeable in the F12 menu. I was also able to reuse some work that was done on the cabinet for VR and the backglass. I think Devious626 did lots of that work in the past. And hauntfreaks did some effort in the past on the backglass. Those images have been incorporated as well. I implemented the latest VPW standards for physics, GI VLM, 3D inserts, AllLamps routines, shadows, updated backglass for desktop, roth drop and standup targets, a swinging target, standalone compatibility, sling corrections, default and optional DIP adjustments, updated flipper physics, VR and fully hybrid, Flupper style bumpers and lighting. Redbone also updated the plastics, target images, and bumpers. Lots of hours were spent studying gameplay videos to match the table skill shots and physics action. There are options included in this table via the F12 menu including colors for balls, flippers, screws, LED plastics, rollovers and lights, bumpers, plastics, and brightness of bumpers when off and when lit. There are also multiple VR room environments and other VR options all done via the F12 menu. You can also change the ROM sound volume in the F12 menu. (Note if you want to change the ROM volume, you'll need to restart the table after the change.). Please NOTE on the ROM settings: The default settings for the ROM options are hard coded into the script and are based on the recommended values from Bally for 3 balls. If you want to change the ROM settings themselves, you need to change the "SetDIPSwitches to 1" in the script, and then use the F6 menu to change. Also NOTE: Just like Black Pyramid, Bally recommends to ensure that the self-test position settings for the ROM menu items for 16,17,18,19 are set to "03". Here is the procedure to do this. I've included the nvram in the zip file as well, so if you want to bypass that step and use it instead. Here is the procedure to set the self-test positions on this Bally 35 MPU table: 1. Press 7 to enter test mode. Continue to repeatedly press 7 until you see 01 appear in the ball in play/match display 2. Press and HOLD the 1 key until it reaches the value you want to set it to (start with 16). The value will increase by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. If you happen to go past the value you want to set it to, while holding in the 1 key press and release the 7 key. The value will then decrement by 1 while you are holding in the 1 key. When you reach the value you want, release the 1 key. Set the value to 03. 3. Repeat pressing 7 to scroll the remainder of the settings (17,18,19) and change values to 03 in the similar manner. 4. Press F3 to save your changes and reset the table. Required Software (64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC7 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-2046-043fac7 B2S Server 2.1.2 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.2 VPinMame 3.6.0-1194: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-1194-0474eb3
  18. Version 1.0.2


    **This table is available for anyone to improve and Itchigo and I give permission for anyone to post their own version.** ******** Marble Queen ************* ' Gottlieb 1953 ' VPX Conversion 1/9/2025 by Polsonator2 I have converted another awesome 50's woodrail table originally made in VP9 by Itchigo and PBecker1946. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes). Thanks go to Itchigo and PBecker1946 for creating this awesome table in VP9. I have taken their original table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield that the original authors painstaking made from photos and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image. I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated a lot of the script, especially regarding the lighting events of the bumpers, marble balls, etc, Completely redid bumper lighting in VPX format. Added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I created a lot of the new images used in the plastics as well. I also did this conversion for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc. The zip file includes a working backglass, made by Itchigo, a pov file for cabinet view, a written commentary about the game by original vp9 author PBecker1946, and a dmd image. Here is a link to a wheel that already exists for this table so I did not need to make one so there is not one included in the zip: Hope everyone enjoys this
  19. Version 1.0.2


    ******** Dragonette ************* Gottlieb 1954 VPX Conversion 1/2/2025 by Polsonator2 Thanks go to original author Leo_Wanker for creating this awesome table in VP9. I have taken his original VP9 table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image and I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated some of the script, added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I created and scripted in a working backglass which is also included. This conversion was made for cabinet play so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, etc. After you insert a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button to release the ball.
  20. Version 1.0.1


    VPX Conversion 1/6/2025 by Polsonator2 I have converted another awesome 50's woodrail table originally made in VP9 by Itchigo and PBecker1946. To release the ball after inserting a coin, push the RightMagnaSave button (if you want to map a different button you can alter this in the script under the key codes). Thanks go to Itchigo and PBecker1946 for creating this awesome 1954 table in VP9. I have taken their original table and gave it a VPX makeover/conversion. I took the original playfield that the original authors made and then I used AI upscaling to create a much higher resolution image. I also hand cleaned up the imperfections I saw etc that came through on the AI upscale, like text on the table, etc. I also updated some of the script, added things where needed, and removed unneeded script code. I also did this conversion for cabinet play (I only play on a 3 screen cabinet) so it may not be fully perfect for someone that plays on a desktop pc view, (lighting may look different) etc. The zip file includes a working backglass, made by Itchigo, with lighting updates added by me, a wheel picture I made, and a dmd image.
  21. I'm getting this crash error if I run a table at over 1080p. Table loads then crashes with this dialog box. I just tried updating to VPX 10.7 same thing. Weird thing is there's plenty of memory on the card and system. Specs are 9700k, 16 GB RAM, Nvidia 1080Ti 11GB WIN 10 PRO. Should be able to power through at 4k I would imagine. Looking at task manager... VPX is less than 2 GB mem useage... same on video card. Standard Terry Red install. All other steam games run fine. Is there some registry setting or ini file I need to modify. There doesn't seem to be much of anything posted about this error except specifically related to new tables and old hardware... which isn't the case in my instance. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Rich
  22. Version 1.4


    Send them to Davey Jones! - VPW Presents Black Rose by Bally! This one started with Sixtoe making some improvements on their VR version (based on the Coindropper VPX version) which included fluppers new bumpers and primitive and ramp fixes, when ebislit managed to get a new playfield stitch. Endi then came on board and did an amazing playfield redraw, and then pretty much every part of the table was tweaked and breathed on. We also now have a better understanding of how the GI lighting actually works on this table (the manual is misleading!) so it now has the funky cannon firing lighting it's supposed to have, including an updated GI makeover by Skitso. There are loads of options in the script, including VR, ball and flipper brightness and shadows. (If you have performance issues please turn dynamic shadows off to test) Enjoy Me Hearties! VPW Black Rose Crew *********************** Sixtoe - Project Lead endi - Amazing Playfield Redraw ebislit - New playfield stitch / scan Sheltemke - New backglass image and other images Skitso - New GI Lighting, Flasher & Insert Tweaking iaakki - Updated / fixed GI script to work with new GI lighting oqqsan - 3D Inserts Apophis - Numerous fixes and code issues Fluffhead - Ramp and ball rolling updated Onevox - Pirate Ship VR Room Rik & VPW Team - Testing Original VPX table thanks to Coindropper, gtxjoe, JayFoxRox, Xagesz & HauntFreaks. Help support VPW by buying a t-shirts or mug! https://vpin-workshop.creator-spring.com/ All profits go towards buying pinball bits and pieces (plastics, toys, playfields, hardware etc.)
  23. Version 1.0


    "Pinball Fans, Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk!" At last! Here it is! VPW are very proud to present our first blender toolkit table! This table requires at least VPX 10.7.2 and the VR version requires at least 10.8.0-514 **edit** PinMAME 3.5 is also required. (Download Links Below) Iron Man is a very hard arcade style pinball by John Borg with short brutal games and is a regular of the pinball competition circuit. Development started in September 2021, Sixtoe had talked about wanting to redo it as there was no accurate version, but the only available playfield was wrongly aligned, poor quality and there were no other decent assets for it so it was a non-starter. But whilst Sixtoe was finishing off Judge Dredd, out of the blue Bord supplied a full playfield scan including all plastics! So at this point it was all systems go, we then spent some t-shirt money on a full set of decals, Dazz got the Iron Monger toy and EBisLit got the Whiplash and Warmachine toys and Dazz 3D scanned them all in for us. A few months into development when it was playing well and being built in Blender by Sixtoe, Niwak started to make real progress with the blender toolkit, and rather than going through the process of Tomate running it through blender octane and building all the UVmaps (which takes a looong time) we decided to shift development to the toolkit version and put it on hold whilst that was developed further. A few months later when the toolkit was working well, development was picked up again on Iron Man with Sixtoe, Tomate and Niwak working together developing both the table and Niwak bugfixing the toolkit as problems arose (particularly with the Iron Monger toy!). Then just lots of testing and tweaking and here we are! Current default ROM is 1.85ve as 1.86ve does not have fastflips enabled yet. New Options Menu *WHILE IN GAME* hold the left magnasave and tap right magnasave. *Requires FlexDMD (linked below) - Light Level - Colour Saturation - Outpost Difficulty - Mech Volume - Ramp Volume - Ball Volume - Cabinet Mode (Hides Rails) - Incandescent GI (Real machine has pure white LED's, not incandescent bulbs) - Dynamic Ball Shadows - Spotlight Shadows - Ambient Ball Shadows - VR Room Choice (Minimal / Ultra Minimal) - VR Backglass (Static / Animated) - VR Sideblades (Original / Static image with no reflections) - VR Topper (On / Off) VPW Iron Man Mechanics ******************** Project Lead - Sixtoe Playfield & Plastic Scans - Bord Table Modeling - Sixtoe & Tomate Blender Toolkit Work - Tomate, Niwak & Sixtoe Lighting - Sixtoe & iaakki Fleep Sounds & Sound Scripting - Apophis & Sixtoe Iron Monger Toy - Dazz for the model & 3D scanning it, Flupper for the 3d model simplification Whiplash & Warmachine Toys - EBisLit for the models, Dazz for 3D scanning, Tomate for the 3d model simplification Iron Monger Animation Code - DJRobX, Sixtoe, iaakki, apophis, NNiwak Various fixes and script assistance - apophis, iaakki, Bord, flux, fluffhead35, Niwak Plastic Redraws - Sixtoe & Embee Iron Man Custom Topper - Rawd Backglass Image - Wildman VR Backglass - leojreimroc Desktop Background - JoePicasso Testing - Entire VPW Team VPX 10.7.2 Official Release (Required) https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.7.2-366-f94da1e VPX 10.8.0-514 Pre-Release (fixes for VR Users) https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/actions/runs/3405492533 Flex DMD (Required) https://github.com/vbousquet/flexdmd PinMAME 3.5 (Required) https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases ROM Iron Man Rules https://www.pinballnews.com/games/ironman/index5b.html
  24. Version 1.1


    Have You Ever Danced With the Devil in the Pale Moonlight? The VPin Workshop members present Batman by Data East! This is actually a really fun table that benefitted from a lot from a proper rebuild from the ground up and conversion to it's correct widebody dimensions, its definitely worth a play even if you didn't enjoy it before Includes a built in VR mode and numerous options which you can enable in the script. • Main table overhaul: Cyberpez • Visuals: Skitso • Inserts: iaaki • nFozzy physics: fluffhead35 • Fleep Sounds: baldgeek • VR Stuff: Sixtoe • Miscellaneous fixes and tweaks: Entire VPW team inc. Sixtoe, iaakki, Skitso, apophis, wylte, fluffhead35, oqqsan • Apron Primitive: tomate • Testing: Rik, VPW team This release would not have been possible without the legacy of those who came before us including, in this case, Javiers VPX version, some 3D models from Dark and the original playfield by 85vett. Thank you to Rothbauerw and nFozzy for the physics. Thanks to Fleep for sounds. We recommend that you run this with the fabulous altsound from iDigStuff, which, like most Data East licensed tables, truly enhances the experience! ** VPW Mod V1.0 - CHANGE LOG ** ************************************** VPin Workshop Revisions ************************************** ' Started from Skitso mod of Javiers VPX version. ' 002 cyberpez - All table objects and playfield re-aligned, altered and resized to correct proportions. ' 003 skitso - visual pass ' 003 cyberpez - Added primitive playfield, Reworked Joker Ramp and trough (Primitives - got rid of fall through kickers) also reworked musuim kicker. Chanaged playfield image to one without transparent holes. ' 006 baldgeek - Added Fleep Sounds ' 007 fluffhead35 - nFozzy physics ' 008 skitso - repositioned and tweaked lower playfield GI lights, remade gangster inserts, batman face and logo inserts and moon insert with skitso style, removed primitive playfield that was of wrong size. ' 009 skitso - repositioned rest of the GI lights, made bat cave toy opaque, made flugelheim toy disable light from behind, fixed ton of depth bias issues around right plastic ramp. Cyberpez added mesh playfield back. ' 010 cyberpez - added nFozzy lighting script. Primitive inserts. Flupper Flasher Domes, sixtoe-tweaked plastic ramp. Probably other things. ' 011 skitso - redone joker ramp lighting and flashers, improved left side dome flashers, improved top flashers, added proper bumper lights, tweaked insert primitive material colors, slight tone tweak to PF, improved skitso style inserts (moon, batman face and bat logo), Added shadow to plunger lane and bat mobile. ' 013 skitso - improved backwall flashers (better color, a tad thicker font for better readability), improved left flashers, tweaked gangster inserts, small tweak to top bumper light ' 014 gtxjoe - add debug shot tester (Press 2 for outlane blocker, Press and hold key to test shots: w e r y u i p a s f g h. While holding a key, use flippers to adjust shot angle ) ' 014b cyberpez - reworked museum again. I think its working. ' 015 skitso - remade bat cave flasher, tweaked blue insert_on material ' 017 iaakki - 3 prim insert rework ' 018 iaakki - 3 prim insert rework continued ' 019 iaakki - 3 prim insert rework continued... ' 020 skitso - tweaked Joker ramp decals to have more pink tone. (warm lighting subdues the change though), improved right hand gangster insert (skitso style) and flasher, tweaked bumper lights more more accuracy, moved Flugelheim walls to more correct position and added shadow. ' 021c tomate - collidable ramp fixed, alternative apron adedd ' 022 skitso - tweaked iaakki's middle PF square 3 prim flashers. Added 2 arrow 3 prim flashers (first try, please be gentle) ' 023 iaakki - apron scaled, rubberizer added, targetbouncer added to posts and sleeves, live catch fixed, rubbers hit treshold fixed, slings tuned, flipper angles and sizes fixed, batcave texture swap disabled ' 024 Sixtoe - Fixed left flasher flare positions, added VR cabinet, room and modes, added blocker wall for left middle plastic as ball can jump over and behind it, aligned a couple of handful of metals, aligned top middle left flasher decal, removed collidable from a handful of things, aligned batmobile in shooter lane, aligned and resized batcave a bit (it was very tall in VR), adjusted triggers (dropped and lengthened), adjusted apron wall and made visible for VR, adjusted apron guard prim, adjusted depth bias of shooter land plastic to -1000 ' 025 skitso - added skitso style insert "see through" effect around center playfield square bat tv inserts, 'joker's mouth 4 million' insert, green multiplier inserts and 'shoot again' insert at the bottom of the table. ' 026 skitso - remade the two green lamps on top of the joker ramp, repositioned orange flasher domes. ' 027 cyberpez - started to change out nut bolts and things. Fixed plunger lane. Added ramp tweak to cave entrance . Started changing diverter. ' 028 skitso - set slope to 5.2, bumper force set to 9. Tweaked left dome flashers, moved multiplier insert prims to z-1, fixed million plus and batlogo flashers on top of the batcave, improved bat logo lamp on flugelheim front, improved plunger lane red bulb, resized all GI lights to new table measurements, fixed texture swap for bumpers and Flugelheim flashers, improved Flugelheim flashers, tweaked bumper off texture, made Flugelheim and dome flashers reflect from batcave, small tweaks, iaakki improved batcave fading and fixed flipper nudge values. ' 029 cyberpez - Changed plunger release speed to 90. Change slings to 4. Lowered back wall flashes. Added rails and primitive flasher bulbs under Joker. ' 030 iaakki - Flugelgugel flashers reworked to have own timer. Made it swap PF flash to different depending to port state. Levels to be adjusted ' 031 skitso - further tweaked Flugelheim flashers and added side blade reflection, tweaked Joker ramp flashers, improved Flugelheim rising wall texture, fixed sticky plungerlane ' 032 cyberpez - Adjusted clear plastics. More nuts / bolts / screws. Made top left gate/bracket custom primitive and animated. Maybe rotated left orage domes to line up with holes. Shifted Museum back and left a bit. Adjusted Museum trough, hope it fixed 3ball multiball. Adjusted rubber on the small random posts by bumpers. Adjusted top side of lane guides. ' 033 skitso - fixed museum flasher locations, fixed top right ramp/protector depth bias issue, removed ball reflection status from few GI bulbs, fixed jackpot insert below Flugelheim. Added a slideblade reflection to left dome flashers (code missing) ' 034 iaakki - flugelheim pTrough primitive adjusted to work better for 3-ball mb, bar hit sound added, left domereflection added to code ' 035 skitso - tweaked left dome reflection ' 036 skitso - fixed minor flasher clipping under Joker ramp, fixed clipping decal on top skill shot flasher dome, improved w/lit insert flasher ' 037 cyberpez - shrunk museum a bit. More nuts and bolts and things. adjusted switch 28 and 29 posistion, animated primitive gates. Animated switches for Joker Eye's and Mouth. Tweaks to diverter. ' 038 skitso - resized and moved museum flashers once more. Removed one stray peg inside museum, made Joker mouth flasher visible through the mouth hole. ' 039 iaakki - rtx ball shadow code included with ramp rolling etc. Some depth bias or z-order issues visible. Shadows are too dark on purpose. Should be reduced once it work ' 040 skitso - resized insert prims to correct size and shape. Removed playfield reflections from insert prims and a bunch of other crap that didn't need it for a hefty performance boost ' 041 iaakki - NormalMapped inserts only in VR mode, right ramp sleeves fixed, shadow depth bias debugged etc ' 042 cyberpez - orginization baby. Also tweaked bumper "ring drop offset. changed out "random" posts on either side of bumper area. ' 043 apophis - Fixed the Fleep installation. Fixed some ballshadow issues...shadows are still bugging on insert primitives. Cleaned up the script a bit. ' 044 Wylte - Fixed shadows, with update to latest primitive/image/materials. Updated RollingUpdate sub with latest shadow code. Thinned shadows slightly ' 045 fluffhead35 - Added BallPitchV Function and used for Plastic Ramp Sounds. Changed TargetBouncerFactor to 1.5. Added RubbersD point to make microbounces happen ' 046 fluffhead35 - Updated PlasticRamp Sound and amplified the volume of the sound. ' 047 fluffhead35 - Updated BallRoll Sound and amplified the volume of the sound. Fixed BallPitchV as it was on a BallRoll sound and put it on plastic ramp sound. Added in ligic by oqqsan to stop ball rolling sound at no balls in play. ' 048 fluffhead35 - Reverted TargetBouncer Logic to iaakki version. Changed BallRoll Sound to use version with lower amplification. Enabled sw14 for BIPL ' 049 oqqsan - Fix for poltergeist ball at plunger (forgot to save?) ' 050 Wylte - Implemented ". Commented out dynamic shadow z live updates, left ambient for ramps. Changed recommended TargetBouncerFactor maximum to 1.5 ' 051 fluffhead35 - Implemented option BallRollAmpFactor to set amplification factor for BallRoll Sounds. ' 052 cyberpez - added a couple stragic walls to help stop stuck balls. Added wall under Flugelgugel to stop clipping of plastic. Stop ball collison bellow 0 Z. Started adding options. ' 053 Sixtoe - New playfield mesh, adjusted playfield hole primitives and added new playfield edge texture, fixed lots of VR depth bias issues, hooked up plunger, changed black nut material to black powdercoat to make it slightly mmore visible, adjusted primtives to line up better in 3D, adjusted collidable primtivies so they line up correctly, adjusted sideblade flashers to light orange-ish so it doesn't blow out with pure white anymore, added cut down museum flasher so it doesn't stick out of the cabinet. Split rubber collidables where they have a post in the middle, probably some other stuff I've forgotten... ' 054 cyberpez - copied LUT swapper from tftc, JokerRampFlasher mod. halfpost mod. rubber color mod. added a couple missing screws and adjusted floating rubbers. ' 055 tomate - New apron added, cab POV changed ' 056 Skitso - fixed default LUT (vpx original) to what it was earlier, tweaked apron texture and disable lighting. Added subtle shadow to the plunger lane, below bat mobile/apron. Set white rubbers as default. Made final visual pass with tiny tweaks here and there. ' 057/8 Sixtoe - Various tweaks and fixed, desktop pov fixed, script cleaned, rails fixed in desktop, playfield mesh error fixed, lights cut to shape
  25. Version 1.1


    GIMME SHELTER! Prepare to shake, rattle, and roll your way through the epicenter of VPW's latest masterpiece, Earthshaker! Created by Bally/Williams in 1989 and designed by the seismic duo of Pat Lawlor and Larry Demar, this System 11 pin is a timeless classic. Break out your Richter scale of fun as VPW is ready to rock your world. The main objective of Earthshaker is to complete the Earthquake Institute's prediction for today. The predicted zones are lit in the windows of the building toy and to complete each prediction you must visit the lit earthquake zones; -Zones 1, 2, 3, and 4 are the standup targets -Zone 5 is the eject hole -Zone 6 is the loop under the Fault Zone (CA/NV) -Zones 7 and 8 are the right and left return lanes -Zone 9 is the captive ball Once you complete all the predicted zones, a lock is enabled and the bonus multiplier increases! Lock your first ball up the right ramp or in the drop hole. Then lock your second ball up the right ramp, plunge your third ball, and your MULTIBALL will begin! This tribute to one of pinball's best machines wouldn't exist without the immense talent from VPW and its support. I may be listed as the project lead, but the true credits go to "tremor-ific" expertise of Apophis, Tomate, Sixtoe, UnclePaulie, TastyWasps, Bord, Benji, Oqqsan, rothbauerw, Fliptronic, Niwak and our quake-tested testers PinStratsDan, Cliffy, Lumi, Darth Vito, Studlygoorite, jarr3, somatic, DGrimmReaper, and Bietekwiet. Building upon the original works of 32Assassin, I hope you look at the names above and realize how much hard work was done here. Truly, thank you everyone. - Friscopinball So, get your flippers warmed up and get ready to feel like you're right in the middle of a fault line, Earthshaker is the aftershock you've been waiting for. *Secret Bonus: Check out the amazing Sinking Institute mod that even original owners didn't get with their pin 🙂 VPW Seismologists Friscopinball - Project Lead, asset scans Tomate - 3D Modeling and Rendering Sixtoe - Building Physical Table, Lots of VR Stuff Apophis - Blender toolkit scripting, physics updates, animations, options UnclePaulie - VR backglass and alphanumeric DMD TastyWasps - Additional physics, Fleep updates, Deluxe VR Room Bord, Benji & Oqqsan - merged WIP versions, physics updates Primetime5k - Staged flipper functionality, testing Niwak - VPX Blender Toolkit, VPX Part Library VPW Testers - PinStratsDan, Cliffy, Bietekwiet, Lumi, Darth Vito, Studlygoorite, jarr3, somatic, DGrimmReaper Fliptronic - Playfield assets, research Based on works by 32Assassin Required Software (Use 64-bit versions): VPX 10.8.0 RC3 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/vpinball/releases/tag/v10.8.0-1947-3b3f101 VPinMame 3.6.0-929 or later: https://github.com/vpinball/pinmame/releases/tag/v3.6.0-929-8c5f83e B2S Server 2.1.1 or later (if B2S used): https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/releases/tag/v2.1.1
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