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  1. Version 1.0.0


    "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Data East 1991)" vpx wheels and dmd picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way. All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
  2. Version 2.1


    Thank you very much @jarr3, this would not be possible without your amazing b2s designer software. All credits goes to @hauntfreaks for his tremendous amount of work. Credits also goes to @Wildman, @ryguy417, @Walterwhite, @Rickochet, @chucky87, @Manbearpig, @iDigStuff Thank you all for allowing me to use your work. Extra thanks to @Herweh, @WaRcLaWz, @Blacksad, @RajoJoey All backglass remains exactly the same as the originals, I only modified the DMDs. The leds and illumination frames as well as the snippits has been scrupulously put back in the right place, after modifying the image in Photoshop. DMDs are 1480x320.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Robocop (1989)b2s with full dmd
  4. Version 1.0


    Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends.... thanks to Tamoore for a few good pics.. Lot of work went into this one not to mention all the beers that were sacraficed in the makin of it Its all hi rez ..lot of photo choppin ...this BG was a pain in the ass lol !! spent why too much time on this mother but i think came out nice imo..Enjoy it
  5. View File Tales from the Crypt (Data East 1993) alt b2s Tales from the Crypt (Data East 1993)alt b2s one of my favorite alternative backglasses i've made super clean vector based 2k image immersive detailed animation worth downloading to at least test... IMO Submitter hauntfreaks Submitted 06/16/2021 Category B2S Backglasses  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    I like this cat
  7. Version 1.3


    Release Builds : Current Latest 1.3 New Sound SSF Update and some tweaks and fixes.
  8. Version 2.1.0


    Pin2dmd colorization v2.1, must have pin2dmd firmware 2.58 or higher installed or running freezy's dll 1.7.1. Extract the .pal and .vni files from zip and rename each pin2dmd and place into the correct alt_color folder for the rom you are running in vpinmame. This colorization will support both 1.03 and 1.06 roms. Please message me on vpuniverse for the real pin files. Donations accepted and appreciated paypal link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=EFNCMPPZVGEFG Fixed in this version: Audits & Adjustments menu fully colorized Known bugs - AT-AT Pops - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Jabba - Couple frames non colored due to triggering challenges - Sarlaac Pit - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Skill Shot - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch - X-Wing Millions - Couple frames non colored due to triggering challenges - Tri-Ball Restart - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch - Million Pops - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Force Menu Mode - limitations of editor causes scene to be incomplete - Cantina Band - frame skipping of DE machines may cause color glitch - Free Play - not yet color supported
  9. Version 4.0


    The Simpsons(Data East 1990) Hi Rez 2scr and 3scr
  10. Version 2.0.4


    This is the hybrid 4 view version of Data East 1992 Michael Jordan. All the same credits that I put into the last release of this table at https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/5830-michael-jordan-data-east-1992/. I'm not suggesting that you should download that version, but all the description and past credits are there. This version includes 4 view to make it a hybrid, those views are Desktop, Fullscreen, Full Single Screen, and VR. Current credits go out to: Rawd - for making me a really cool and original looking launcher button and housing, including lighting it up and blinking. Also, for beta testing and giving suggestions to make it better. Ahr1man - for his beta testing and bug reporting, and his suggestions to make it better. VPW Crew - for VR room and Beacon from Lethal Weapon 3 only converted to clear. Happy New Year everybody, I hope you enjoy this table.
  11. Version v1.2.1


    'Checkpoint (Data East 1991) - agentEighty6 MOD (previously uploaded to VPinball) 'v1.2.0 'Updated version for VPU. Physics adjustments, sound adjustments, and table tweaks 'v1.1.0 'VR (and some graphical improvements) has been added courtesy of SixToe 'Playfield mesh and improved kicker compliments of bord 'Updated incorrect flasher assignment 'v1.0.0 'This MOD includes the following changes/enhancements: 'Added flupper flashers. 'Fixed flasher solenoid assignments. 'Added nfozzy flippers. 'Updated physics. 'Corrected various switches. 'Created and added main ramp primitive. 'Added led bulb lighting to signs. 'Improved gi lighting. 'Added car toy headlights. 'Updated lights on back panel. 'Added speaker panel and lights (for DT). 'Cleaned up insert lights. 'Changed inserts to reflect on ball. 'Added subway to left vuk. 'Animated bumpers like real table. 'Updated lights in bumpers. 'Based on VPX version by Goldchicco, 32assassin 'Also based on VP9 version by: 'Bodydump 'Requlem 'Destruk 'Batch
  12. Version 1.0.1


    Back To The Future PupPack Version DMD Backglass . This Backglass is originally created by @hauntfreaks , thanks for giving me permition to modify and upload . This Backglass is modified for us who do not like alphanumeric DMDs while playing Puppack tabels and meant to be used On Full DMD Screen. It includes score displays only as other rom triggers are on the puppack it self. I created some backglasses in this way and thought maybe sharing some with the comunity trying to pay back a small bit of all the great great work they have done and shared . Please let me know if you like it and would like me to share/create more of them. Wanted to thank @Rudy (LoadedWeapon ) on discord for his help . @hauntfreaks for inspiring me with his great Backglasses with full DMD . If you are someone who never done that befor and wanna learn how to do that , Watch the following youtube video By @Rudy (LoadedWeapon ).
  13. Version 2.0


    update of the VPX table of AgentEighty6, Goldchicco, 32assassin With the permission of AgentEighty6 Changelog Taken from the VPW example table: Dynamic Ball Shadows: iaakki, apophis, Wylte Rubberizer: iaakki Target Bouncer: iaakki, wrd1972, apophis Flipper and physics corrections: nFozzy, Rothbauerw Sound effects package: Fleep Ramp rolling sounds: nFozzy Lampz: nFozzy Bumpers: Flupper Flasher domes: Flupper 3D inserts: Flupper, Benji Drop targets: Rothbauerw Added physical trough New ball eject chute primitive and ramp draft more in line with the original Redrawn plastics and created primitives Recreated signals and primitives Animation of the hanging sign, on the ramp Porsche animation, hitting the target Also based on VP9 version by: Bodydump Requlem Destruk Batch
  14. ok, posting here BEFORE pinside. So after finishing SFII (Gottlieb), Terminator 2 (Williams), I figured its time to tackle a Data East pin! Here is Lethal Weapon 3! Very much a work in progress, but I do have a few scenes done ( more than what is attached here). I'm trying to use color masks and palette changes exclusively, no redraws. There's also another reason for choosing this game. Randy Perlow hired me to color this for ColorDMD, sent me a contract an a W9 form, which I filled out and sent back after purchasing the machine. After I bought the machine, I emailed him for an update on when I'd get the hardware and software to color the game and he replied with this: " Thomas, I previously contacted you regarding ColorDMD’s concerns with your work on an infringing platform and potential harm to its business. At the time you responded that the work was for private use. Since then you have ignored our concerns, and taken action to promote and publicly distribute this work, counter to a ColorDMD new product introduction. As a result, ColorDMD can no longer reasonably expect to conduct business with you in good faith, or entrust you with safeguarding our proprietary information. Regretfully, our offer to work with you as an independent contractor on future titles is withdrawn. Randy Perlow ColorDMD Displays" Which put me on the hook for a machine I really cant afford to own. Im going to knock out this colorization, install the pin2DMD, and hopefully get a bunch of money in donations (spoiler: I wont ) but I'll likely end up selling the machine. Data East Logo: Grab the gun and fire! LW3 logo/shot (all 3 are done) Train shoot animation: And lastly, the shoot out. This isnt 1 sequence, its 6 with a blank red frame between. If you dont get all 6 shots off , you dont see every frame. Score is masked so it should update dynamically. This was a HUGE pain in the dickhole. This colorization is also dedicated to the memory of Nick Wade , who worked on Back to the Future, Batman, Checkpoint, King Kong, Lethal Weapon 3, and The Simpsons.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    "Batman (Data East 1991)" vpx wheels and dmd picture if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! Personal, non-commercial use only. Please contact me if you would like to use it in another way.
  16. Version 1.1.0


    Fullscreen loading animation for Star Wars DE. IPD No. 2358 Enjoy!
  17. Version 1.0.0


    FullDMD for Star Wars 1920x1080 FHD. Enjoy ! 😃
  18. Version 1.0.6


    Here is an update to Rocky and Bullwinkle. TastyWasps added in all the good stuff, and made it play like a million bucks!! Few other tweaks here and there. Enjoy! -cp v1.06 - Upgrades: cyberpez & Scottacus - Nell Saw Fixed TastyWasps - nFozzy/Roth Physics, Fleep Sounds, Dynamic Ball Shadows, 2 Auto-Detect VR Rooms, Gameplay Balance / Enhancements Passion4Pins - Desktop Rails Arvid - Original VR Room Assets VPW Testing Team ---------------------------------------- Here's the notes from the original release. ---------------------------------------- This was a scratch build. Playfield I stitched together from some high-res photos I found online. Plastics are scans from FBX. Ramp decals, custom sidewalls, and a few other things I redrew myself. Most all of the 3D models I did myself. I know there are probably a few from Dark and Zany hiding in there somewhere. Sliderpoint was a huge help off and on with this build. He took a ton of pictures of his real machine. Measured all of his ramps and tweaked the VP ramps to get them just right. He also took videos of all of the SOL sounds that I edited and used for most all the VP table sounds. He also helped align and tweak the placements of objects early on. A while back Wrd19 came in and fine-tuned the physics. For what its worth I think it plays great. You will need to use the latest 10.6 version of VPX. As always, check the top of the script for options!!!! -------------------- Credits/Thanks: Me: table build, playfield stitch, ramp decal redraws, ramps, lots of little primitives here and there. Sliderpoint: Resource pics, ramp and table tweaks. Big help making this table great!! Wrd1972: Physics, playtesting and other tweaks along the way Rothbauerw: Being a code wizard and for putting up with Wrd and me. Playtesting. Dark: Different models here and there FBX: plastic scans. themotherbrain: testing and feedback nFozzy: I'm using his new fading lights + a few tweaks by me. DJRobX: SSF code and thanks to RustyCardores for showing me the way, you can't go back!! Ball drop tweaks by Roth and me. Last but not least the developers and other table authors. This community is nothing without everyone doing their part!!!!!! Victory for the good guys!! -cp
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Data East Royal Rumble Macho Man animated wheel
  20. Version 1.0.0


    "Jurassic Park (Data East 1993) VPW" vpx wheels and dmd picture. if you appreciate the work, then thank you for not forgetting a "like" or a "review" , it's nice! All Logos, Copyrights and Trademarks are property of their respective owners. PROVIDED STRICTLY FOR PERSONAL / HOME USE AND NOT FOR COMMERCIAL SALE / RE-SALE OR DISTRIBUTION!
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