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[New VP10 Alert] Django Unchained Balutito MOD

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Django Unchained Balutito MOD

For this tribute table to Tarantino's Film: Django UNchained, I used the magnificent Cactus Canyon table by TomTower and Ninuzzu as a base.

Unfortunately I did not find the authors on the forums, I hope they are doing well and that they will not blame me for having used their table. 

Thanks to them


Thank you for taking the time to appreciate the enormous work done by Dtatane to modify and colorize the DMD, this  version is still under development, thanks to Dtatane for this work.


Thanks to Daeron61 for the magnificent 3D models offered on this table.


IMPORTANT You need PROC like for Cactus Canyon



Step 1:
Copy / paste the ROM without unzipping it into your vpinmame rom folder.


To use this ROM you must create an alias of the Cactus Canyon cc_13 ROM.

You just need to add the following line, to the VPMAlias.txt file

cc_13D, cc_13

You will find the VPMAlias.txt file in the VPinMAME folder:
😄 \ Visual Pinball \ VPinMAME
(If it does not exist, it is a .txt file)

Step 3:
to get the DMD corresponding to Django Unchained table
you need to copy paste, the cc_13D folder provided in the altcolor DMD folder, into your altcolor folder.
You will find the altcolor file in your VPinMAME folder:
C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME
(If it doesn't exist create it)


Step 4:

Copy/ Paste Music mp3 in your music folder


Good Game

🍺 Balutito 🍺



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I am getting Python crashes with this, hateful 8, and TomTower and Ninuzzu Cactus Canyon Continued when ran through 10.7.  The two other versions by VPW and Bigus run fine with Proc. No errors at all.  If I run TomTower and Ninuzzu Cactus Canyon Continued with 10.6 it works fine.  But Hateful 8 and Django Unchained are not written in 10.6, they are in 10.7.  So I am screwed there.  If anyone can steer me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

I know I am not the only one with this issue.  When it first happened with CCC and 10.7 their were others effected.  I would love to get this corrected.  Thanks in advance.



*******Ok, I figured it out.  This and Hateful 8 actually don't use PROC.  They just use VPINMAME to run the rom.  But you must use the altcolor which actually looks funny with Cactus Canyon.  So the fix for that issue is to download CC_13k.zip which is a fix for a real knocker.  Use that with your original Cactus Canyon with out checking off altcolor in setup and you have the best of both worlds.




Edited by DeathInc
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  • 11 months later...

I installed the Django table. everething works fine. Table loading,backglass,mechanic is great.

I put the MP3 in my Music folder, but there is no sound on the table, just the sound of the mecanic stuff pumper fingers etc.

I opened the menu in the table (coin door) and set the table of full loudness.


Can you help me?


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/29/2023 at 4:49 PM, ghostlyface said:

I installed the Django table. everething works fine. Table loading,backglass,mechanic is great.

I put the MP3 in my Music folder, but there is no sound on the table, just the sound of the mecanic stuff pumper fingers etc.

I opened the menu in the table (coin door) and set the table of full loudness.


Can you help me?


Hey ghostly, you have to copy the individual MP3 files that came in the Music folder you downloaded, and then paste them into your Visual Pinball/Music folder. If you copied & pasted the downloaded folder named Music as a whole into your "VP" Music folder...the tracks within will not be found by the program. If by chance you did this correctly from the beginning, but the music files still wouldn't play when you opened the table, you might want to check the location of your Music folder. Make sure it is located in the Visual Pinball folder, and NOT in your VPinMAME folder. When I first took on this hobby I created a 2nd Music folder and stuck that it in my VPinMAME folder. I thought that's what I was supposed to do, and then I started dumping all my MP3 files in there. I couldn't get any of my downloaded MP3 files to play with any of my tables, and it took me a while to figure out what I was doing wrong. I wanted to offer up this info for the slight chance you might be having the same problem. Either way I hope this helps you or someone else out who needs it. Good luck!

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  • 3 months later...
1 minute ago, millersnmeva said:

So I followed the instructions and added the two alias to vpalias text file  but when I launch the game I get script error line 1909 and 1909 just says cc_13 game controller?

Exact Error is Can't start Gamecc_13D  game name not found.   I have both CC_13D and CC_13 zip files in my vpmame roms folder and they are not blocked?  any ideas?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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