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VR Room Joker Poker SS (Gottlieb 1978)

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5 From 1 review
88.61 MB File Size
jokrpokr ROM Name
Rajo Joey Created by
Gottlieb Manufacturer
1978 Year

2 Screenshots

Table made by 32assassin.


I would like to thank the following people:
32assassin for making the table.
Sixtoe for his templates of vr-rooms and cabinets.
Rawd for the analog clock from his toyroom (this was originally taken from Rascal VP9 clock table).
And everyone I have forgotten.


There are two rooms: the minimal room and a sphere.
You can easily switch rooms by pressing the magna save-buttons.


There are 16 LUT-files in the table. So you can change the lightning.
Hold the left magna save-button and click the right magna save-button to change the LUT-file.


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Excellent recreation, just like I remember from playing this at our local Pizza joint many, many,many years ago. Thanks

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