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Shangri-La (Williams)(1967)(Bodydump)(1.0)(DT)(9.16)

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1967 Year

1 Screenshot

Williams Shangri-La EM from 1967

Special Thanks to:

Leon Spalding for his VP8 version from which I borrowed some scoring/gameplay code

Itchigo for his 4 player EM template which I used extensively

UncleWilly for his starter table and all his other tables which I have pulled apart and learned/borrowed from

JP Salas and Pinuck whose tables I studied extensively to learn how to build and borrowed from

Eala for his parts table which was very useful

JimmyFingers for the sounds/sound routines and for his constant support

TheWool for his awesome physics tweaks that make the game play like it should

Bent98 for the LEDWiz code and for moral support

Dick Kanold for providing me with the real Shangri-La that's in a million pieces in my garage waiting to be rebuilt

Best used with VP 9.16

Will work in version 9.15 but primitive flippers may cause graphics corruptions


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