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[New VP10 Alert] Deadly Weapon Gottlieb (1990)

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Deadly Weapon Gottlieb (1990)

Needs VP 10.6   rev. 3696 or higher!!

After almost 8 months it's finally done! A very special thanks goes out to Herweh!! Withou him this table wouldn't be half as good!! Thanks my friend!

Don't miss Herwehs "Additional GI" switchable in the script! More GI-OFF for those who enjoy it!

I hope you guys have fun while playing!



- Herweh for scripting everything on this table, including kickers, animations, airball, additional GI and SSF sounds. He also fixed stuff like the trough and the tilt script!
Without him this table wouldn't be half as good!!! One of the best and a great guy!! This is also your table!! Thanks!!!

- 32assassin and BodyDump for bringing this Table to VPX. I used their table as a base.

- Kiwi and Destruk for a great hint when 'Tilt' didn't want to work the way it should

- RothbauerW for some code of his manuel trough in 'No Good Gofers'

- Bord and BorgDog for images, testing and all kinds of help!

- BorgDog for moving spinner rod

- Flupper - cycles insert material

- Thalamus for playtesting and screenshots

- Ninuzzu - BallShadow

- Whoever made the flipper shadow

- Last, and definetly not least the VPX devs!! Thanks guys!



v 1.0.1

- Herweh fixed a crash caused ba a glass hit

- fixed the "bleeding" of the flipper textures

- better DT background image


- Herweh fixed two hickups in the script. Flickering of the GI when hitting the flipper button is now gone. Thanks to Thalamus for finding both issues and providing a quick fix!


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