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Cross-Platform Visual Pinball .NET Library

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I'm writing an open-source .NET module to allow people to open and edit Visual Pinball VPT files (since my Pincab isn't quite up to playing VPX smoothly, I haven't gone into those files as yet, although it may be compatible?)

You can grab the code and the example command-line and GUI apps from the GitHub page @ https://github.com/PushAButton/vispinnet 

For the moment, the functions are pretty trivial - but it allows you to do some things that are annoying to have to edit manually...

  • Enable B2S on a VPinMAME table
  • Enable Mechanical Plungers (on tables that have them)
  • Disable the baked-in DMD settings (position, size, ROL/ROR)
  • Properly close the controller on table exit
  • Change the name or the ROM of a table.

There's also an experimental "Desktop to Fullscreen" option in there, but I'm having trouble finding a suitable formula that can calculate the correct scales and offsets for a given table size, incline and layback. 

Any feature requests or ideas are welcome. 

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