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Maverick (Sega)(1994)(Edizzle)(V2)(FS)(PM5)

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3.8 From 4 reviews
72.48 MB File Size
mav_402 ROM Name
Edizzle Created by
Edizzle, Dark, javier1515, Zany Artwork by
Edizzle, gtxjoe, javier1515, freneticamnesic Scripting by
1994 Year

1 Screenshot

credit list: (please let me know if I forgot you)


Dark - beautiful models of Lauren Belle and Paddle wheel, complete with texture swapping for flasher reflections, and play testing feedback
javier1515 - skill shot scripting and resources, plastic primitives for slings and lanes, and play testing feedback
gtxjoe - scripting of Lauren Belle Lock
freneticamnesic - bubble level resources and script and play testing feedback
Zany - Beautiful skill shot ramp model and play testing feedback - Has updated ramp model in the works. will update table when ready
Paulohotline - play testing and feedback
Arngrim- DOF


I also used the script from the ferris wheel in the most recent Hurricane table to animate the ball in the paddle wheel. Please let me know who scripted this
Also used the current Maverick table as reference


Don't forget, this is a PM5 table!!!


What's New in Version V2   See changelog


  • It's a bit late, but here is a (hopefully) fixed version. The table images were resized, which seemed to be causing the crashing for most folks. Also Arngrim updated the DOF script.

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