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Car Hop (Gottlieb Premier)(1991)(Bodydump)(1.0)(FS)

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5 From 2 reviews
26.64 MB File Size
carhop ROM Name
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1991 Year

1 Screenshot

Gottlieb Premier Car Hop 1991

another street level game

includes Hyperpin media pack

download Wildman's directB2S to go with it.

Special thanks to:

Joep and Destruk for the original table from which I got the solenoid, switch and light numbers from as I could never locate a manual

JimmyFingers for sounds and sound routines, positional slingshot routines, flipper routines, saucer routines and for tons of help and support

UncleWilly for his starter table and inspiration over the years

Eala for some stuff off his parts table

Bent98 for support and for force feedback config


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